  • Aspicilia calcarea
  • [syn. Urceolaria calcarea??, Lecanora calcarea] USES: Dye (Great Britain, Sweden) Aspicilia calcarea was also used in Sweden for a red-brown dye for wool (Uphof 1959). Uphof (1959) also records that Urceolaria calcarea [probably a synonym] was used in Great Britain as a source of Cudbear, a red-crimson dye used for woolens. Before it was used for dye it had to be treated with ammonia (probably urine). The lichen was pulped with water and ammonia, and then left to ferment for 2 to 3 weeks.
  • [syn. Urceolaria calcarea??, Lecanora calcarea] USES: Dye (Great Britain, Sweden) Aspicilia calcarea was also used in Sweden for a red-brown dye for wool (Uphof 1959). Uphof (1959) also records that Urceolaria calcarea [probably a synonym] was used in Great Britain as a source of Cudbear, a red-crimson dye used for woolens. Before it was used for dye it had to be treated with ammonia (probably urine). The lichen was pulped with water and ammonia, and then left to ferment for 2 to 3 weeks.