  • Who's Outmatched? Hato Uchiha vs Ryoko!!
  • "It's manners to tell someone your name before asking for theirs" said The Masked man. "But then again I'm not gonna tell you my name either way, so don't bother telling me yours." During these sentences The Masked Man deducted that he is a Kumogakure ninja, who is stronger than a jonin and has the Sharingan. The Masked Man states," Its rare to see a Kumogakure ninja to wield a doujutsu as powerful as the sharingan, is it not."
  • "It's manners to tell someone your name before asking for theirs" said The Masked man. "But then again I'm not gonna tell you my name either way, so don't bother telling me yours." During these sentences The Masked Man deducted that he is a Kumogakure ninja, who is stronger than a jonin and has the Sharingan. The Masked Man states," Its rare to see a Kumogakure ninja to wield a doujutsu as powerful as the sharingan, is it not." "What's it to ya?", said Hato, activating his Sharingan. "I am taking you in by order of the Raikage! Dead or Alive.", Hato spoke in a sadistic way. "Try to survive, will ya?". "Dead or Alive huh, well Its been quiet these past few days so a little battle should be interesting. Though try to keep it at least a little bit entertaining, and maybe if your lucky you might figure out my name." says the Masked Man, He then pulls pulls out his katana and uses Chakra flow making his katana release fire. "Let's see what you got"