  • Turn it to your advantage
  • From: [[]] You know where the servant takes his dinner, which night he drinks with his friends, and how long he can last before needing the privy. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Challenge information
  • Broad, [ x 41.66 ]
Success title
  • The way is clear
Failure title
  • "What're you after, eh?"
Game Instructions
  • Turn this Obstacle into a beneficial Opening card, and gain substantial Progress.
Failure description
  • He catches your hand in his pocket; perhaps you approached him a few drinks too early? At least your false-beard ensures he doesn't recognise you. And your drunken act defuses the situation enough to keep the Constables out of it.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Obstacle: an Inconvenient Door
Success description
  • You relieve the servant of his keyring as he totters to the lavatory, make a plaster mold of it while he's indisposed, and slide the original back into his pocket when he returns to his friends. Your mark's doors and locks are nothing to you now.
  • You know where the servant takes his dinner, which night he drinks with his friends, and how long he can last before needing the privy.
  • From: [[]] You know where the servant takes his dinner, which night he drinks with his friends, and how long he can last before needing the privy. [Find the rest of the story at ]