  • Bad Weather
  • Bad Weather
  • Bad Weather
  • Bad Weather is a Season 2 episode of the The Mr. Men Show.
  • thumb|290px|Desmond und ein Gast im Bad WeatherDas Bad Weather ist ein Nachtclub in Brooklyn, New York für Promis und Bänker in dem der Assassine Desmond Miles einige Jahre als Barkeeper arbeitete.
  • In 2003, after running away from the Farm, Desmond Miles visited Bad Weather in the hopes of getting a job there. He was successful, being hired by the owner as a bartender for, what he believed, were his "ravishing looks" and "winning smile". His specialty drink was known as the "Shirley Templar," which consisted of a Shirley Temple cocktail with added gin. It became quite popular with local patrons, evidenced by one customer requesting "four of those."
  • Bad Weather is a Season 2 episode of the The Mr. Men Show.
  • In 2003, after running away from the Farm, Desmond Miles visited Bad Weather in the hopes of getting a job there. He was successful, being hired by the owner as a bartender for, what he believed, were his "ravishing looks" and "winning smile". His specialty drink was known as the "Shirley Templar," which consisted of a Shirley Temple cocktail with added gin. It became quite popular with local patrons, evidenced by one customer requesting "four of those." After nine years of employment at the venue, Desmond was kidnapped by the Templars to become the 17th test subject for Abstergo Industries' Animus Project, though his friends tried in vain to locate him by placing missing posters around New York City.
  • thumb|290px|Desmond und ein Gast im Bad WeatherDas Bad Weather ist ein Nachtclub in Brooklyn, New York für Promis und Bänker in dem der Assassine Desmond Miles einige Jahre als Barkeeper arbeitete.