  • Atropa belladonna
  • Atropa belladonna
  • Atropa Belladonna
  • Atropa belladonna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Solanaceae, native to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. The foliage and berries are extremely toxic, containing tropane alkaloids. These toxins include scopolamine and hyoscyamine which cause a bizarre delirium and hallucinations. The drug atropine is derived from the plant.
  • by Talula The first thing to swim into focus was the sound of quickly scuffling feet. Her body ached. Her skin burned cold. Her mind throbbed with the feeling that someone dear to her was in danger. She opened an eye experimentally and saw wooden bars in front of her. She pulled herself to a sitting position. The air was damp and smelled of mold. She opened the other eye and saw that she was in a small cage with shackles joining her ankles with her wrists. A shiver went up her spine as she realized that her gear had been stripped and lay in a heap in the corner of the rotting room.
  • Mătrăguna (Atropa belladonna) este o specie de plante erbacee , perene prin rizom , care face parte din genul Atropa, familia Solanaceae . Mai este denumită şi beladonă, doamna-codrului sau doamnă-mare , cireaşa-lupului , iarba codrului sau ţilidonie. Substanţele active sunt reprezentate de alcaloizi , în special hiosciamină , atropină , scopolamină , beladonină. Produsele farmaceutice bazate pe extracte de beladonă sunt indicate pentru combaterea colicilor gastrointestinale şi a spesmelor biliare. În prezent nu se mai utilizează în medicina populară din cauza toxicităţii neobişnuit de mari.
  • Mătrăgună
imagine lăţime
  • 250
  • lightgreen
autoritate binomial
  • A. belladonna
  • Atropa belladonna
  • Koeh-018.jpg
  • by Talula The first thing to swim into focus was the sound of quickly scuffling feet. Her body ached. Her skin burned cold. Her mind throbbed with the feeling that someone dear to her was in danger. She opened an eye experimentally and saw wooden bars in front of her. She pulled herself to a sitting position. The air was damp and smelled of mold. She opened the other eye and saw that she was in a small cage with shackles joining her ankles with her wrists. A shiver went up her spine as she realized that her gear had been stripped and lay in a heap in the corner of the rotting room. "No door on this cage. Looks like it grew here," she thought. The scuffling noise returned, accompanied by angry sounding growls and a frightened whimper. The door opened with a bang and a nightelf stalked in. "Ahhh, my new plaything is awake. Lovely." The sweet voice dripped with malice. "Where am I?" the gnome asked. "Where are you? Well, let me grrrab a chairrr and I'll give you exact coorrrdinates and details about all of my plans. Oh... wait... Sorrry. I have a meeting to get to." The nightelf walked over to a pile of filthy straw and pulled a limp shape from underneath it. It was small and its white hair was dirty and matted. The nightelf smiled at the caged gnome and moved to the pile of clothing and gear. She dressed the old corpse first in the handmade green shirt and grease-stained pants, then in the mismatched and slightly oversized armor. Finally, she picked up the muddy hat. Staring into the gnome's eyes, the elf slapped it roughly onto the corpse's head. Nightshade smiled again and said, "Don't frrret. I'll be back. Verrry soon."
  • Atropa belladonna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Solanaceae, native to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. The foliage and berries are extremely toxic, containing tropane alkaloids. These toxins include scopolamine and hyoscyamine which cause a bizarre delirium and hallucinations. The drug atropine is derived from the plant. It has a long history of use as a medicine, cosmetic, and poison. Before the Middle Ages, it was used as an anesthetic for surgery, and it was used as a poison by early men, ancient Romans, including the wives of two Emperors, and by Macbeth of Scotland before he became a Scottish King. The genus name "atropa" comes from Atropos, one of the three Fates in Greek mythology (the one who cuts the thread of life), and the name "atropa bella donna" is derived from an admonition in Italian and Greek meaning "do not betray a beautiful lady".
  • Mătrăguna (Atropa belladonna) este o specie de plante erbacee , perene prin rizom , care face parte din genul Atropa, familia Solanaceae . Mai este denumită şi beladonă, doamna-codrului sau doamnă-mare , cireaşa-lupului , iarba codrului sau ţilidonie. * Tulpina , cu înălţimea de 50-150 cm , formează de regulă de la jumătate trei ramificaţii. * Frunzele sunt ovale , cu marginea întreagă , dispuse altern la baza ramurilor şi perechi în partea superioară (una dintre ele fiind mult mai mare ca cealaltă). * Florile sunt brun-violete sau brun-purpurii.Planta înfloreşte în perioada iunie-august. * Fructele , bace sferice cu multe seminţe , sunt mai întâi verzi , apoi negre , lucioase şi suculente. Substanţele active sunt reprezentate de alcaloizi , în special hiosciamină , atropină , scopolamină , beladonină. Produsele farmaceutice bazate pe extracte de beladonă sunt indicate pentru combaterea colicilor gastrointestinale şi a spesmelor biliare. În prezent nu se mai utilizează în medicina populară din cauza toxicităţii neobişnuit de mari.