  • Echo Ridge Mine
  • Echo Ridge Mine is located in northwestern Northshire Valley within Elwynn Forest. It was overtaken by kobolds, much to the frustration of the humans living in the area. The kobolds that inhabited the mine were needed for a few quests (as stated below). The mine was quite simple to maneuver through and the quests were easy, as the kobolds were defensive and would not become hostile unless attacked. A path wound to the back of the mine and opened into a large room. A chest sometimes spawned here and usually had a few copper to help with finances and maybe a new weapon. It was worth taking a quick peek to see if it was there.
  • Echo Ridge Mine is located in northwestern Northshire Valley within Elwynn Forest. It was overtaken by kobolds, much to the frustration of the humans living in the area. The kobolds that inhabited the mine were needed for a few quests (as stated below). The mine was quite simple to maneuver through and the quests were easy, as the kobolds were defensive and would not become hostile unless attacked. A path wound to the back of the mine and opened into a large room. A chest sometimes spawned here and usually had a few copper to help with finances and maybe a new weapon. It was worth taking a quick peek to see if it was there. This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm. In The Cataclysm Expansion the Echo Ridge Mine is closed off by an iron gate, making it inaccessible. The mine is guarded by the rare spawned kobold named Gug Fatcandle; other than the rare spawn, the kobolds seem to have abandoned this area. The surrounding lands have been taken by Goblin Assassins.
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