  • Neural SubNet
  • Due to requiring a large amount of physical space to house the interfacing chair and servers, the NSN is impractical for the general public. By 2029, Jim Miller of Task Force 29 uses one to have confidential meetings with his boss, Joseph Manderley. Various Illuminati members, including Lucius DeBeers, Morgan Everett, Bob Page, Volkard Rand, Stanton Dowd, and Elizabeth DuClare, seem to also have NSN devices of their own, using them to appear in several clandestine meetings.
  • Due to requiring a large amount of physical space to house the interfacing chair and servers, the NSN is impractical for the general public. By 2029, Jim Miller of Task Force 29 uses one to have confidential meetings with his boss, Joseph Manderley. Various Illuminati members, including Lucius DeBeers, Morgan Everett, Bob Page, Volkard Rand, Stanton Dowd, and Elizabeth DuClare, seem to also have NSN devices of their own, using them to appear in several clandestine meetings. While in a NSN conference, users can move around freely like they were occupying real space and appear to carry out actions like they were physically there, such as leaning against the virtual conference table. It is unclear if they can “feel” in the virtual setting or it is the machine reading the brain signals on how they react to a conversation (like folding one’s arms).