  • Double Up!
  • Double Up! was an event in Moshi Monsters, lasting throughout the month of August in 2013. During the event, members will "double up" earning them double Rox and XP in the Daily Challenge and super growing seeds. For example, seeds normally take 6-8 hours to grow, during the event they took 3 hours to grow. After the 'Double Up' event, members were able to have 3 hours planting time and double Rox and XP in Puzzle Palace, this will continue for members forever.
  • 2013-08-31
Image size
  • 250
  • 2013-08-08
Image File
  • Double_Up_Logo.png
  • Double Up! was an event in Moshi Monsters, lasting throughout the month of August in 2013. During the event, members will "double up" earning them double Rox and XP in the Daily Challenge and super growing seeds. For example, seeds normally take 6-8 hours to grow, during the event they took 3 hours to grow. After the 'Double Up' event, members were able to have 3 hours planting time and double Rox and XP in Puzzle Palace, this will continue for members forever.