  • Eddie "Domino" Robson
  • Eddie Robson is a member of The Pride, codenamed "Domino". He is the team's explosive's specialist as well as they heavy machine gun specialist. He was part of the US Army before he was court marshalled for blowing up a city block under mere suspicion of Weapons of mass destruction (A suspicion which was proven false).
  • Eddie Robson is a member of The Pride, codenamed "Domino". He is the team's explosive's specialist as well as they heavy machine gun specialist. He was part of the US Army before he was court marshalled for blowing up a city block under mere suspicion of Weapons of mass destruction (A suspicion which was proven false). Luponili participated in the Redwood City Incident as his fourth mission, his first three are not mentioned except his efforts in Raccoon City undercover as a UBCS Monitor, killing suspicious employees. He killed 13 Targets before he escaped the city by the subway. He is infected by zombies in the Hemmingway Tower, but doesn't turn until the hospital.