  • Where Is Thy Sting?
  • Where is Thy Sting?
  • The Elite Guard, without Ultra Magnus, travel through space to Earth, searching for the escaped Wasp, who is holding a grudge against Bumblebee. Longarm (Shockwave), fearing that his cover will be blown, requests that that they return to Cybertron. Back on Cybertron, the cat's out of the bag as Ironhide searches for Longarm, only to find Ultra Magnus torn nearly to pieces. Shockwave has struck, literally. The plot thickens. The End (for now).
  • 2
  • Lizard Season
  • Godzilla: The Series
  • Where Is Thy Sting?
  • Grass
  • Bug
  • Godzilla: The Series Episodes
  • Shafted
  • 34
  • Where Is Thy Sting?
  • Shafted
  • Lizard Season
  • William Stout
  • Frank Squillace
  • * Optimus Prime * Bumblebee * Bulkhead * Prowl * Ratchet * Sentinel Prime * Jazz * Ironhide * Ultra Magnus * Jetfire * Jetstorm * Safeguard
  • * Shockwave
  • * Wasp
  • Where Is Thy Sting?
  • The Elite Guard, without Ultra Magnus, travel through space to Earth, searching for the escaped Wasp, who is holding a grudge against Bumblebee. Longarm (Shockwave), fearing that his cover will be blown, requests that that they return to Cybertron. Meanwhile, at the factory, Bumblebee is playing a video game of Ninja Gladiator, much to Prime's chagrin. He tells Bumblebee that he was supposed to be on monitor duty. But Bumblebee was bored from lack of Decepticon activity. Optimus reminds him that the Autobots are still waiting to contact Cybertron and warn the locals about Longarm's secret. Prime detects a visitor and orders Bumblebee to stay on the monitor while the others investigate. Bumblebee goes back to his game. Meanwhile, Sentinel Prime and Jazz land on Earth and discover rain. Sentinel orders Jazz to contact reinforcements and search for Wasp. Sentinel finds out that he can't travel in the rain on vehicle mode and decides to travel on, servo. While Bumblebee is still playing his game, thunder crashes, and the power goes out. A red light turns on, and a voice calls out to Bumblebee. Soon, Bumblebee was standing face-to-face with Wasp! Bumblebee tries to reason with Wasp, but to no avail. Bumblebee tries to call the others, but was quickly stopped by Wasp. Wasp uses a weapon to switch bodies with Bumblebee. Later, Bumblebee regains consciousness in front of the other Autobots. Bumblebee tries to convince the others that he and Wasp switched places, but they don't believe him. Bumblebee shoots out the lights and makes a break for it. The Autobots begin to pursue him, only to run into Sentinel an Jazz. Optimus and Sentinel have their usual banter, up to the point when Optimus tells him about the identity of the real spy. Pigheaded as usual, Sentinel refused to believe him. Soon, everyone, except for Wasp, sets out to find Bumblebee. Back on Cybertron, Shockwave tries to contact Megatron, but no response came, so he leaves a message. Back on Earth, as Optimus and Rachet search for Bumblebee, two jets soar overhead. They suspect the jets as Decepticons. Later, Bumblebee tries to wash off his green color. The two jets land and transform into two robots: Jetfire and Jetstorm. The two robots attack Bumblebee, only to be stopped by Rachet. Later, Optimus joins the fight. Jetfire and Jetstorm attack them. Then they merge into Safeguard. Sentinel arrives to break up the fight and informs Optimus and Rachet that the two Autobots are working with him. Soon, they resume the search for Bumblebee. Wasp is back at the base playing Bumblebee's game, but keeps losing. Wasp decides to look up Bumblebee's files. Later, Bumblebee is still on the lam until he happens upon a hot dog cart. He tries to use mustard to make himself yellow again, until Prowl and Bulkhead interfere. As Bulkhead is about to throw his wrecking ball at him, Bumblebee reminds him about the times he and Bulkhead had at Autoboot camp. Bulkhead was instantly convinced. Jetfire and Jetstorm arrive, Bumblebee is afraid from his previous encounter with them. Prowl assures him that the brothers are on their side. The brothers think Prowl and Bulkhead are traitors. The other Autobots race to the scene, with Sentinel still not used to driving in the rain. When they all meet at the rendevous point, they found that Wasp is back at the hideout. They head there and question Wasp, who uses Bumblebee's files to convince them. Bulkhead comes up with a plan to tell Wasp from Bumblebee by having a challenge on his video game. But Wasp exposes his true nature to everyone, since Bumblebee is the better player. Wasp threatens to kill Bumblebee if the others get to close. Wasp tells the others about his grudge on Bumblebee, but Bulkhead tells Wasp that he was was mean to them. Wasp shoots the lights and everything goes black. The lights go back on. The Autobots find Wasp outside laying on the ground. Bulkhead pummels Wasp, only to find that Bumblebee is back in his body and Wasp escapes once again. Back on Cybertron, the cat's out of the bag as Ironhide searches for Longarm, only to find Ultra Magnus torn nearly to pieces. Shockwave has struck, literally. The plot thickens. The End (for now).
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