  • Alex (Episode 8580)
  • Alex was a receptionist who worked at the Parke Square Hotel. A house auction was being held there which Tony Stewart attended with Eva Price in order to bid on a property for her and Jason Grimshaw, although he knew nothing of their plan. A scheming Todd Grimshaw followed them there with Eva's mobile phone, which he had stolen earlier, and gave it to Alex, saying it had been dropped outside. When he returned home, Todd dropped a hint to Jason to ring Eva and Alex answered the phone, giving the name of the hotel. Jason, already suspicious of his girlfriend and his dad due to Todd's machinations, went there and was in time to see Eva give Tony a kiss of thanks. Falling for Todd's plan hook, line and sinker, he attacked his father.
Number of Appearances
  • 1
First Appearance
  • 2015-02-20
Character Name
  • Alex
Played By
  • Hotel receptionist
  • Alex was a receptionist who worked at the Parke Square Hotel. A house auction was being held there which Tony Stewart attended with Eva Price in order to bid on a property for her and Jason Grimshaw, although he knew nothing of their plan. A scheming Todd Grimshaw followed them there with Eva's mobile phone, which he had stolen earlier, and gave it to Alex, saying it had been dropped outside. When he returned home, Todd dropped a hint to Jason to ring Eva and Alex answered the phone, giving the name of the hotel. Jason, already suspicious of his girlfriend and his dad due to Todd's machinations, went there and was in time to see Eva give Tony a kiss of thanks. Falling for Todd's plan hook, line and sinker, he attacked his father. The character was credited as "Receptionist" but wore a badge giving her name.