  • Sacred Ezel
  • The great temple complex of Ernalda in Esrolia. * Its population is 2,000 * It is located in the Delainan Hills which is largely covered with the Ianian Forest. * At its centre is a deep ravine known as Sacred Home * Its perimeter is a square with the towers called Four Great Guards. * Ruled by the Queen of Ezel * At the center is a crater which contains the Twelve Temples: * The temples are:
  • The great temple complex of Ernalda in Esrolia. * Its population is 2,000 * It is located in the Delainan Hills which is largely covered with the Ianian Forest. * At its centre is a deep ravine known as Sacred Home * Its perimeter is a square with the towers called Four Great Guards. * Ruled by the Queen of Ezel * At the center is a crater which contains the Twelve Temples: * The temples are: * The temples above are rarely dedicated to a specific goddess. * Comment: The number of the temples is thirteen, but it is not a mistake. * Shrines to lesser deities are found such as Estangus, Fethel Bav, Erdana, Bezarando and Dida can also be found here. * The Harpot Boar was worshipped here in the Imperial Age for a generation