  • Hipsters
  • Hipsters are often former Emos who have jumped ship to the next dying trend. They tend to wear long brightly colored scarves even in the summer. Hipsters have successfully strip-mined the 1970's and 80's for pop culture references and icons which are used to impress other hipsters by acquiring the newest and coolest toys and fads.
  • Hipsters are often former Emos who have jumped ship to the next dying trend. They tend to wear long brightly colored scarves even in the summer. Hipsters have successfully strip-mined the 1970's and 80's for pop culture references and icons which are used to impress other hipsters by acquiring the newest and coolest toys and fads. Impressing other hipsters is a the sole motivational force behind such pop culture archeology. Whether it is discovering the newest and most obscure indie rock band first, or the being the first to wear the wittiest and gayest new clothing accessory, hipsters are constantly trying to outdo and one up each other in their quest to be the most hip and "unique" person around.