  • TEOS Stock Exchange
  • The TEOS Stock Exchange (TSE) is the place where citizens and micronations members of the Trade and Economics Organization of Micronations trading with a negotiable instrument guaranteeing the payment of a specific amount of microeuros, either on demand, or at a time with the payer named on the negotiable instrument. More specifically, it is a document contemplated by a contract, que warrants the payment of money without condition Which may be paid on demand or at a future date.
  • The TEOS Stock Exchange (TSE) is the place where citizens and micronations members of the Trade and Economics Organization of Micronations trading with a negotiable instrument guaranteeing the payment of a specific amount of microeuros, either on demand, or at a time with the payer named on the negotiable instrument. More specifically, it is a document contemplated by a contract, que warrants the payment of money without condition Which may be paid on demand or at a future date.