  • Butts
  • Butts
  • Butts es un salvaje.
  • This is Alex Shelley's gimmick. However, he will adamantly deny it.
  • As time went on, butts became so commonplace, that most living things barely thought of them. They had become as universal as the x chromosome, the sensory organ, and eventually, the backbone. Butts were not appreciated again until after the Cretaceous era, when a developing mammal species invented "pull my finger". Farting, an invention of mammals, quickly became a popular joke among the developing ape species for its sudden, often inopportune occurrences. Many tales were told of an alpha male who farted in the middle of an important announcement, and a soldier whose attempt to play dead failed when he loudly passed gas.
  • Butts
  • Butts
  • Vivo
  • Butts es un salvaje.
  • As time went on, butts became so commonplace, that most living things barely thought of them. They had become as universal as the x chromosome, the sensory organ, and eventually, the backbone. Butts were not appreciated again until after the Cretaceous era, when a developing mammal species invented "pull my finger". Farting, an invention of mammals, quickly became a popular joke among the developing ape species for its sudden, often inopportune occurrences. Many tales were told of an alpha male who farted in the middle of an important announcement, and a soldier whose attempt to play dead failed when he loudly passed gas. For whatever reason, as time went on, butts became a subject of eroticism to some apes. The appearance of one's butt suddenly became a subject of compliment, and a factor of physical attraction. A large butt was treated with respect, and sometimes jealousy. To this day, there are persons who like big butts, and they cannot lie.
  • This is Alex Shelley's gimmick. However, he will adamantly deny it.