  • Bloodflamme (arte)
  • A ring of fire bursts on the ground in front of Pascal, from which the Spirit of Fire, Bloodflamme, appears. The Spirit then smashes his right hand into the ground, creating a fiery stream across the battlefield that progressively bursts in small pillars of fire. He then disappears in a burst of fire. This arte is effective against humans, and when under the effects of "Red Charge", it is especially effective against nova enemies.
  • A ring of fire bursts on the ground in front of Pascal, from which the Spirit of Fire, Bloodflamme, appears. The Spirit then smashes his right hand into the ground, creating a fiery stream across the battlefield that progressively bursts in small pillars of fire. He then disappears in a burst of fire. This arte is effective against humans, and when under the effects of "Red Charge", it is especially effective against nova enemies.