  • Chuckie's in Love
  • Angelica takes on Pepe, the school lunchroom cook by reporting in the school paper that his food is just weird, just as she's doing this, Chuckie tries to get Nicole to notice him, but it's like to her he doesn't exist. So, Chuckie disguises him as a man named Chongo, and now Nicole sees him. But when Nicole finally sees Chuckie at the Java Lava, Chuckie must have help to keep her distracted so she doesn't know.
  • Angelica takes on Pepe, the school lunchroom cook by reporting in the school paper that his food is just weird, just as she's doing this, Chuckie tries to get Nicole to notice him, but it's like to her he doesn't exist. So, Chuckie disguises him as a man named Chongo, and now Nicole sees him. But when Nicole finally sees Chuckie at the Java Lava, Chuckie must have help to keep her distracted so she doesn't know.