  • Cricketcada
  • Cricketcada: A Summer-type cicada Makamou whose presence is signaled by cicada music. It comes in two forms: a mole cricketish larva form & a locust-like adult form. A larval form first appeared, burrowing underground to grab its prey. Though Armed Echo Demon managed to destroy it with Fierce Demon Arousal, another Cricketcada appeared in adult form. With the aid of Super Prince & Super Princess, the Cricketcada managed to fight off the Oni before it split off two lighter-colored copies of itself. The copies were killed by Majestic Breath's Gale Flash & Roaring Demon's Thunderbolt Fist Quake while the original was destroyed by Echo Demon Armed's Flame Barrage form. During the start of Dragon, a quarter of Cricketcada appeared, destroyed by Echo Demon Armed's Fierce Demon Arousal & Majestic
  • Cricketcada: A Summer-type cicada Makamou whose presence is signaled by cicada music. It comes in two forms: a mole cricketish larva form & a locust-like adult form. A larval form first appeared, burrowing underground to grab its prey. Though Armed Echo Demon managed to destroy it with Fierce Demon Arousal, another Cricketcada appeared in adult form. With the aid of Super Prince & Super Princess, the Cricketcada managed to fight off the Oni before it split off two lighter-colored copies of itself. The copies were killed by Majestic Breath's Gale Flash & Roaring Demon's Thunderbolt Fist Quake while the original was destroyed by Echo Demon Armed's Flame Barrage form. During the start of Dragon, a quarter of Cricketcada appeared, destroyed by Echo Demon Armed's Fierce Demon Arousal & Majestic Breath Demon's Gale Flash. A Cricketcada later appears during Dragon, destroyed by Slashing Demon's Thunderbolt Slashing Quake. Another Cricketcada later appeared, among the Makamou destroyed by Majestic Breath Demon's Gale Flash.