  • Hive Drone
  • In Real Life, insect drones are males who mate with a queen then die. In fiction however, "drone" is often for anything in a Hive Mind not in a position of power. Sometimes they will resemble hive worker insects and will be sterile, do nothing but work, and care for the Queens young. Other times they are the army of the Hive. They are nearly always Mooks. Don't expect them have individuality, have names other than numbers or letters, or even look different from each other. Examples!
  • In Real Life, insect drones are males who mate with a queen then die. In fiction however, "drone" is often for anything in a Hive Mind not in a position of power. Sometimes they will resemble hive worker insects and will be sterile, do nothing but work, and care for the Queens young. Other times they are the army of the Hive. They are nearly always Mooks. Don't expect them have individuality, have names other than numbers or letters, or even look different from each other. Examples!