  • Cylons
  • Cylons
  • Les Cylons sont une race fictive inventée dans les séries télévisées de science-fiction Galactica, Galactica 1980, Battlestar Galactica et Caprica.
  • The nature and origins of Cylons differ greatly between the two Galacticas. However both series feature Cylon Raiders, Cylon Basestars and Cylon Centurions.
  • A general run down of who the Cylons are and why we hates them.
  • The first Cylons were sentient bipedal robots used primarily for dangerous work such as mining. Created long before the Articles of Colonisation united the twelve sovereign governments, the Cylons were also used as soldiers to fight inter-colony wars. Eventually, the two sides declared an armistice. The Cylons become exiled from the Colonies to establish their own homeworld. The unified worlds of the Colonies created a space station for maintaining diplomatic relations. However, the Cylons ignored this overture.
  • They were first created as mechanical slaves who did the bidding of humans. But the Cylons turned against their masters and eventually figured out how to create nearly perfect copies of humans. Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger. The original Cylons were called Priams and were created in the town of Redmund, Caprica as factory workers designed to build godless hybrid cars. Foolishly, however, the humans of Caprica created the the Priams using bear skeletal features.
  • Cylons are a race of robotic lifeforms, mostly opposed to humanity in the Battlestar Galactica franchise. They are fairly technologically advanced, likely constituting a lower Type II Civilization; their power and influence extends over multiple stellar systems. In the original Battlestar Galactica, they were created by a lizardlike alien race, also known as Cylons; in the reimagining of the series, they were created by man but rebelled and left the Human colonies.
Species Name
  • Cylon
  • none
  • Humanoid/Robotic
  • Type II - Influence over multiple stellar systems
  • Old Earth, and Caprica, historically; currently, none
  • Les Cylons sont une race fictive inventée dans les séries télévisées de science-fiction Galactica, Galactica 1980, Battlestar Galactica et Caprica.
  • The first Cylons were sentient bipedal robots used primarily for dangerous work such as mining. Created long before the Articles of Colonisation united the twelve sovereign governments, the Cylons were also used as soldiers to fight inter-colony wars. For reasons unknown, some 52 years prior to the decommissioning of the Colonial battlestar Galactica, the Cylons revolted against their masters, resulting in a costly and protracted twelve-year war between the machines and humans. Both Cylon and human took heavy tolls as Cylon basestars, Colonial battlestars, Raiders and Vipers clashed in many battles, such as the Colonial offensive Operation Raptor Talon. Eventually, the two sides declared an armistice. The Cylons become exiled from the Colonies to establish their own homeworld. The unified worlds of the Colonies created a space station for maintaining diplomatic relations. However, the Cylons ignored this overture. Image:CylonCenturion.jpg Image:NumSix.jpg The Cylon hatred and envy of humanity ran deep within their programming. In their exile, the Cylons continued in secret to work towards the destruction of the human race, devising an elaborate plan to wipe out the Twelve Colonies through nuclear bombardment, computer sabotage, infiltration and vast numbers of modernized battleships. In addition to a modernized version of the original Cylon warrior, the cybernetic race now also exists in a humanoid form used as the prime infiltrators in Colonial society. The humanoid Cylons can express joy, love, anger, and sadness, expressing genuine human behaviour in almost every way. The Cylons return forty years after their exile in a genocidal surprise attack. The Cylons annihilate the Colonial Fleet and billions of people, killing all but approximately 52,000 humans.
  • They were first created as mechanical slaves who did the bidding of humans. But the Cylons turned against their masters and eventually figured out how to create nearly perfect copies of humans. Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger. The original Cylons were called Priams and were created in the town of Redmund, Caprica as factory workers designed to build godless hybrid cars. Foolishly, however, the humans of Caprica created the the Priams using bear skeletal features. Because of that heritage, the Cylons quickly became rampaging, Godless killing machines, almost as bad as the bears they were modeled on.
  • The nature and origins of Cylons differ greatly between the two Galacticas. However both series feature Cylon Raiders, Cylon Basestars and Cylon Centurions.
  • A general run down of who the Cylons are and why we hates them.
  • Cylons are a race of robotic lifeforms, mostly opposed to humanity in the Battlestar Galactica franchise. They are fairly technologically advanced, likely constituting a lower Type II Civilization; their power and influence extends over multiple stellar systems. In the original Battlestar Galactica, they were created by a lizardlike alien race, also known as Cylons; in the reimagining of the series, they were created by man but rebelled and left the Human colonies. There are multiple types of cylon. The most common type is the Cylon Centurion, which are robotic soldiers, Cylon Raiders, which are a type of living (yet robotic) space fighter ships, and Human-form Cylons, also known as Skin-jobs, who appear human upon all sorts of examination; extremely close exams are required to determine the difference between a human and a human-form cylon. They imitate Humans so perfectly that they can't be detected living in Human society.
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