  • 661
  • 661
  • 661
  • El seiscientos sesenta y uno (661) es el número natural que sigue al 660 y precede al 662. Categoría:Números
  • At Eagle Hill Cemetery, Barnabas and Julia have found the grave of Victoria Winters, who was “hanged as a witch” in 1796. Barnabas is determined he needs to travel to the past to stop Vicki's death, but Julia tells him that she went back before, and escaped. Barnabas reasons that because this time there was no one in the 20th century to take her place and the tombstone is the proof. Julia asks what happened on the night Vicki was hanged. Barnabas tells the story of Naomi Collins suicide and his plan to take revenge on Nathan Forbes as a flashback. He begins when Joshua Collins arrived in the Drawing room and told him that Naomi was dead.
  • Vanessa versucht, Juli zuliebe ihre Gefühle für Oliver in den Griff zu bekommen und überspielt den Schmerz über die bevorstehende Hochzeit. Doch als Vanessa mitbekommt, dass Juli ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Maximilian vor Oliver verheimlichen will, kommt es zu einem Streit zwischen den Freundinnen. Simone erfährt, dass Lena und Mike ein Paar sind und hat Angst, Mike könne Lena gegen Maximilian aufbringen. Maximilian widerspricht, doch dann beobachtet er Lena und Mike und ihm kommen Zweifel. Jenny und Roman sollen die neuen Werbegesichter für den Energy-Drink werden. Doch auch Deniz wittert seine Chance für sein Comeback als Model. Während zwischen den dreien ein erbitterter Kampf entsteht, nähern sich Stella und Lars einander an. Als Jenny und Deniz dies mitbekommen, läuten bei beiden die Al
  • 661
  • 1968-12-27
  • 652
  • 1969
  • 1969-01-06
  • 661
  • El seiscientos sesenta y uno (661) es el número natural que sigue al 660 y precede al 662. Categoría:Números
  • At Eagle Hill Cemetery, Barnabas and Julia have found the grave of Victoria Winters, who was “hanged as a witch” in 1796. Barnabas is determined he needs to travel to the past to stop Vicki's death, but Julia tells him that she went back before, and escaped. Barnabas reasons that because this time there was no one in the 20th century to take her place and the tombstone is the proof. Julia asks what happened on the night Vicki was hanged. Barnabas tells the story of Naomi Collins suicide and his plan to take revenge on Nathan Forbes as a flashback. He begins when Joshua Collins arrived in the Drawing room and told him that Naomi was dead. Continuing his story, Barnabas recalls Joshua's plan to destroy Barnabas to end the curse. Joshua has discovered that a silver bullet fired to the heart will destroy a vampire instantly and he has arranged to have six silver bullets made. Barnabas agrees it is for the best, but first he wants to kill Lt. Forbes. Joshua tries to talk Barnabas out of it, but Barnabas is determined. Barnabas tells Julia how he found Forbes at The Eagle. Barnabas tells Forbes that he is responsible for Naomi's death, about his attempt to kill Daniel and his attempts to drive Millicent insane. Nathan pulls a gun on Barnabas and shoots. Barnabas, unhurt, tells Forbes he is already dead and then disappears after telling him he will die when the clock strikes 9pm. Forbes runs to Joshua and tells him he tried to kill Barnabas. Joshua tells him that Barnabas is a vampire, placed under a curse and he is surprised Forbes is still alive. Forbes begs him to force Barnabas to stop, but Joshua tells him he has already asked Barnabas to stop, only because he does not want more bloodshed. He then excuses himself as he does not want to be there when Barnabas kills again. Forbes confronts Ben who tells him how he can kill Barnabas. Nathan tries to run away, but hears the dogs howling, which Ben tells him is a sign Barnabas is near. Forbes goes back to Joshua in his study at 8:56pm and there he sees a crossbow on the wall. He asks Joshua to leave and gets the crossbow ready. Barnabas enters Collinwood, unaware of Forbes' plan. Barnabas enters the study and sees the crossbow, too late. Nathan fires a shot into Barnabas' chest, missing the heart. Barnabas kills Forbes. Barnabas continues his story, telling her that after Forbes was dead he and Joshua planned his destruction. Barnabas asks his father for two things: to free Ben Stokes and to stop Victoria's execution. Joshua agrees to the first and tells Barnabas he will write to the Governor and try to get him for a stay of execution and a new trial. Joshua attempts to tell Barnabas he loves him, but Barnabas stops him, fearful that it will make his father weaken. He tells Julia that he does not know what happened, but he must have told Ben to place the chains around his coffin. He tells her he stayed there in the coffin until Willie Loomis freed him. He tells Julia he should have not killed Forbes, and this time he will make Forbes recant his testimony. Julia tells him even if he could travel back he could not control anything, that Forbes could have better aim and that if he changes anything in the past it could set off a chain reaction that destroys him. She also points out he will be a vampire when he returns to 1796 and he may still remain a vampire when he does return to the present day. He tells Julia to leave and return in 48 hours and then starts an incantation to Peter Bradford. When he finishes he turns around to see Julia and the gravestones of Peter Bradford and Victoria Winters fade away. He turns around wearing his cloak from 1796 and bares his fangs.
  • Vanessa versucht, Juli zuliebe ihre Gefühle für Oliver in den Griff zu bekommen und überspielt den Schmerz über die bevorstehende Hochzeit. Doch als Vanessa mitbekommt, dass Juli ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Maximilian vor Oliver verheimlichen will, kommt es zu einem Streit zwischen den Freundinnen. Simone erfährt, dass Lena und Mike ein Paar sind und hat Angst, Mike könne Lena gegen Maximilian aufbringen. Maximilian widerspricht, doch dann beobachtet er Lena und Mike und ihm kommen Zweifel. Jenny und Roman sollen die neuen Werbegesichter für den Energy-Drink werden. Doch auch Deniz wittert seine Chance für sein Comeback als Model. Während zwischen den dreien ein erbitterter Kampf entsteht, nähern sich Stella und Lars einander an. Als Jenny und Deniz dies mitbekommen, läuten bei beiden die Alarmglocken...
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