  • Contruum Moonbase
  • The Contruum Moonbase was a base built and used by the Galactic Alliance during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Built on the innermost moon of Contruum - a small silver sphere dimpled with impact craters and and encrusted with mountain ranges - the Contruum Moonbase was hidden completely underground within one of these craters.
  • The Contruum Moonbase was a base built and used by the Galactic Alliance during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Built on the innermost moon of Contruum - a small silver sphere dimpled with impact craters and and encrusted with mountain ranges - the Contruum Moonbase was hidden completely underground within one of these craters. Utilizing simple yet effective concealment techniques not seen since the Rebel Alliance, the entrance to the base was a simple holoprojector masking a magnetic containment field. Any ship wishing to gain access simply had to know the location of the hidden entrance, and pass through the "ground" into the massive hollow below.