  • Sophie Haas (Scopatore)
  • Sophie Julie Glandon (née Haas) (12 November 1977 - 24 August 2003) was a Canadian Muggle-born witch and Muggle Studies Professor who attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1989 to 1996, where she was Sorted into Thunderbird. She was the daughter and only child of Jake and Miranda Haas (née Nelson), both being Muggle doctors who operated out of a private practice in London, Ontario. She was a gifted student with a passion for academics and was the favourite student of many teachers at school.
  • Married
  • 10.0
  • Muggle Studies professor at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
  • Hazel
  • Muggle-born
  • Brown
  • Sophie Julie Glandon
  • 1.61m
  • Human
  • Thunderbird
  • 2003-08-24
  • Northern Spain
  • *Jake Haas *Miranda Haas *Danny Glandon † *Nora Comstock
  • Light
  • Female
  • 1977-09-12
  • London, Ontario
  • River otter
  • Sophie Julie Glandon (née Haas) (12 November 1977 - 24 August 2003) was a Canadian Muggle-born witch and Muggle Studies Professor who attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1989 to 1996, where she was Sorted into Thunderbird. She was the daughter and only child of Jake and Miranda Haas (née Nelson), both being Muggle doctors who operated out of a private practice in London, Ontario. She was a gifted student with a passion for academics and was the favourite student of many teachers at school. While attending Ilvermorny, Sophie became best friends with John William Comstock and Danny Glandon, the former being a Vancouver-born pure-blood wizard from one of the most prominent wizarding families in Canada while the latter was a half-blood from Newfoundland. Sophie developed conflicting feelings for her best friends, but began dating Danny after he confessed his feelings to her in their sixth year. The two had a seemingly strong relationship for the rest of their time at school, which had a profound effect on John, who buried his own feelings out of fear of pushing his two best friends away. After graduating from Ilvermorny, Sophie and Danny's relationship deteriorated to such a level that the two separated for three weeks in the winter of 1996. During those three weeks, Sophie had an affair with John, but broke it off when she decided to repair her relationship with Danny. However, this only served to push John away even more and when Sophie announced her engagement to Danny in early 1997, John couldn't handle it and disappeared. John's disappearance affected Sophie greatly, becoming incredibly depressed and never again returning to her energetic self. When the disappearance garnered media attention, she made a tearful plea to the Canadian wizarding news outlets, apologizing for anything she did and pleading John to return home to her. Sophie married Danny in the summer of 1997, and although Sophie gave birth to a daughter in 1999; Nora Lana Glandon, Sophie remained unhappy with her life and became addicted to anti-depressants. She became the Muggle Studies professor for Ilvermorny in 2001 and caught the notice of her former professors, who noticed Sophie almost never smiled and always seemed down. Since the disappearance of her best friend, Sophie could be seen gazing at a photo of her and John dancing around the Ilvermorny courtyard in Christmas of their fifth year with silent tears running down her face. On 24 August, Sophie, Danny and several close friends and family members departed on a Portkey destined for France to attend William Cornelius Comstock's wedding to Monique Renard. The Portkey vanished, later found in Spain; it was discovered that the Portkey's magic failed and it burned up on the way to its destination, the first case of such a thing happening in a century and a half. Since their daughter was with Sophie's parents, she did not perish when the Portkey failed. John later came back to Canada to help in the healing of family members and friends. He eventually married another witch and adopted Nora as his own daughter.