  • The Host
  • The Host
  • The Host
  • The Host
  • The host (also known as the presenter, master of ceremonies, emcee, MC) is the person that hosts a show. They are most commonly found in Game Shows, Reality TV, and Talk Shows. Their job is to keep the show running smoothly, to introduce each element to the audience and to the participants.The job requires a good deal of charisma. Has nothing to do with Body and Host.
  • Alpha maan; Alphans; balso tonic; Beta maan; Betans; Betan schip; Bolians; citroenthee; Crusher, Wesley; exobiologie; globale opwarming; gouverneur; Hawking; kapperszaak; laser scalpel; magnetisch veld; metrazene; Peliar Zel II; Peliar Zel bewoners; Peliar systeem; poker; rose; shuttle; Stefan; Taggert (vaandrig); transporter; Trill; Trill diagnostisch gereedschap; Trill transport; Troi, Ian Andrew; voetbal.
  • The movie concerns a monster kidnapping a man's daughter, and his attempts to rescue her. According to the director, his inspiration came from a local article about a deformed fish with an S-shaped spine caught in Han River. The Host had set a new Korean box office record by reaching 10 million tickets in just 21 days. In addition, it was ranked one of the top films of 2007 on Metacritic with a score of 85. In November 2008, it was announced that Universal Studios would be remaking The Host.
  • The novel has been adapted as a movie which is due to be released in 2013.
  • "The Host" is the fifth episode in the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead, and the fifth episode overall in the series. It was written by Zoe Green and directed by David Frazee.
  • "The Host" is the second episode of the second season of The X-Files.
  • The Host was the main antagonist of the Doctor Who episode Tooth & Claw, with Father Angelo being the main human/secondary antagonist. The Host was played by Tom Smith. This Host had been selected by Father Angelo, as the legend said, every few years, a young boy went missing from his home. The Host was one such boy.
  • The Host takes place in a world reminiscent of the scenario in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It follows the emotional journey of Wanderer, a member of an altruistic alien society known on Earth as souls, as she experiences the emotions and complexities of human relationships, and discovers what it means to be human through her human host body’s original owner.
  • The Host is a mission in the campaign of Legacy of the Void. It is the fifth Aiur mission, and the second of the Return to Aiur storyline.
  • Los habitantes de Seúl observan sorprendidos un extraño objeto que cuelga de un puente sobre el río Han. Se trata de una monstruosa criatura mutante que al despertar devora a todo aquel que se cruza en su camino. El dueño de un kiosco a la orilla del río contempla horrorizado cómo la bestia rapta a su hija y se la lleva a su escondrijo. Mientras el ejército fracasa una y otra vez en su empeño por destruir al monstruo, aquel hombrecillo anónimo se armará de valor y, con la ayuda de su familia, intentará recuperar a su hija de las garras de la bestia.
  • The Brethren took the boy away from his homestead in the night and allowed him to be bitten by the Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform they worshipped. He became infected by the Haemovariform that "carved out his soul and sat in his heart". The Host was given all-black eyes and was entirely controlled by the Haemovariform, which could access the Host's memories and use some basic telepathy. Every full moon, he would transform into a true Haemovariform. The real boy was long dead. When the Tenth Doctor used the Torchwood House light chamber with the Koh-i-Noor to destroy the Haemovariform, the Host began to live again. He asked the Doctor to increase the effect and destroy him, which he did. The Host died sacrificing his life to save the world. (TV: Tooth and Claw)
  • Meyer describes The Host as "Sci-fi for people who don't like Sci-fi." In fact it bears more resemblance to a fruit salad than to any actual science fiction, but accuracy has never been a strong point of Meyer's. Essentially, she seems to believe that she created "science fiction" by tossing in aliens, when in actuality she created "twilight, but with aliens this time."
  • The Host is a science fiction/romance novel by Stephenie Meyer which she describes as "'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', if the aliens had won". The novel introduces an alien race, called souls, who take over Earth and its inhabitants because they believe humans to be too violent. The book describes one soul's predicament when the mind of the host body refuses to cooperate with her takeover.
  • Ambasador Odan przebywa na pokładzie Enterprise, który ma go zabrać na planetę Peliar, gdzie ma wynegocjować traktat pokojowy. Odan pochodzi z rasy Trill o której Federacja posiada niewiele informacji. Beverly Crusher zakochuje się w nim. Jednak kim naprawdę są Trillowie, Beverly dowiaduje się po wypadku na promie. Trillowie okazują się być symbiontem. Z powodu napiętej sytułacji w negocjacjach Odan zostaje umieszczony w ciele Williama T. Rikera do czasu przybycia nowego nosiciela. Beverly Crusher ma trudności z przyzwyczajeniem się do nowego ciała ukochanego. Negocjacje końca się sukcesem. Nowo przybyły nosiciel okazuje się być samicą. Relacja z przedstawicielem gatunku zmieniającego wygląd okazuje się być zbyt trudna dla Beverly Crusher.
  • The novel is set in present times on Earth somewhere 10-15 years after the invasion of the alien race known as Souls. They are silver worms that, once inserted to a beings spinal cord, gain complete mental and physical control of their host. They have no set life span. As long as a host exists, they thrive. Wanda (and Melanie) must face the obstacle of overcoming the prejudice of hate of every member of the group, including Jared. Many trails and tribulations occur before the group, as a whole, will accept her; they eventually do however.
  • Daelaam
  • * Hybrid
  • * Khalai
  • * Khalai * Nerazim * Tal'darim * Purifiers
  • * Shadows of the Void
  • Amon's Forces *Amon Brood
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • Destroy void shards
  • Secure warp in zone
  • The Mind's Eye
  • 1991-05-13
  • x
  • x
  • 4
  • Flukeman
  • Half a Life
  • TNG
  • 2367
  • 423
  • Dmitri looks inside sewage tank.jpg
type of villain
  • Werewolf, fearmonger, shapeshifter, nocturnal villain
  • 448213
  • 2
  • 5
  • "Brujo"
  • Infect or kill Queen Victoria, rebuild the Empire of the Wolf, conquer humanity
  • Song Kang-ho Byun Hee-bong Park Hae-il Bae Doona Go Ah-sung
  • 2506
  • 44821.300000
  • Shapeshifting into a wolf, claws, fangs, super speed, brute strength, can infect humans with a bite
  • Kim Sun-min
  • TNG
  • The X-Files
  • 7140.0
  • Choi Yong-bae
  • Tom Smith
  • The Host
  • "The Host"
  • episode
  • 250
  • 1991-05-13
  • 1994-09-23
  • 2015-11-28
  • Unknown
  • Korean
  • black
  • The Doctor saves the Queen - Doctor Who - Tooth and Claw - Series 2 - BBC
  • The Host
  • 197
  • Tormenting his future victims before shapeshifting
  • Kim Hyung-koo
  • Human
  • Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform
  • The Host
  • Odan.jpg
  • Fenix
  • Amon
  • Hierarch Artanis
  • Matriarch Vorazun
  • Highlord Alarak
  • Lee Byung-woo
  • gold
  • epair
  • epprod
  • 8.94E7
  • *Amon's host body destroyed
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • TNG
  • Magnolia Pictures
  • Showbox
  • 4
  • Human host of the Haemovari alien creature
  • Tooth and Claw
  • Unknown
  • 2006-07-27
  • Flukeman.jpg
  • The Host
  • 7
  • ₩11.8 billion
Followed By
  • The Host 2
  • 399
  • The Host
  • Dmitri peers inside a sewage tank.
  • The host (also known as the presenter, master of ceremonies, emcee, MC) is the person that hosts a show. They are most commonly found in Game Shows, Reality TV, and Talk Shows. Their job is to keep the show running smoothly, to introduce each element to the audience and to the participants.The job requires a good deal of charisma. Has nothing to do with Body and Host.
  • Alpha maan; Alphans; balso tonic; Beta maan; Betans; Betan schip; Bolians; citroenthee; Crusher, Wesley; exobiologie; globale opwarming; gouverneur; Hawking; kapperszaak; laser scalpel; magnetisch veld; metrazene; Peliar Zel II; Peliar Zel bewoners; Peliar systeem; poker; rose; shuttle; Stefan; Taggert (vaandrig); transporter; Trill; Trill diagnostisch gereedschap; Trill transport; Troi, Ian Andrew; voetbal.
  • The movie concerns a monster kidnapping a man's daughter, and his attempts to rescue her. According to the director, his inspiration came from a local article about a deformed fish with an S-shaped spine caught in Han River. The Host had set a new Korean box office record by reaching 10 million tickets in just 21 days. In addition, it was ranked one of the top films of 2007 on Metacritic with a score of 85. In November 2008, it was announced that Universal Studios would be remaking The Host.
  • The novel has been adapted as a movie which is due to be released in 2013.
  • "The Host" is the fifth episode in the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead, and the fifth episode overall in the series. It was written by Zoe Green and directed by David Frazee.
  • Ambasador Odan przebywa na pokładzie Enterprise, który ma go zabrać na planetę Peliar, gdzie ma wynegocjować traktat pokojowy. Odan pochodzi z rasy Trill o której Federacja posiada niewiele informacji. Beverly Crusher zakochuje się w nim. Jednak kim naprawdę są Trillowie, Beverly dowiaduje się po wypadku na promie. Trillowie okazują się być symbiontem. Z powodu napiętej sytułacji w negocjacjach Odan zostaje umieszczony w ciele Williama T. Rikera do czasu przybycia nowego nosiciela. Beverly Crusher ma trudności z przyzwyczajeniem się do nowego ciała ukochanego. Negocjacje końca się sukcesem. Nowo przybyły nosiciel okazuje się być samicą. Relacja z przedstawicielem gatunku zmieniającego wygląd okazuje się być zbyt trudna dla Beverly Crusher. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
  • "The Host" is the second episode of the second season of The X-Files.
  • The Host was the main antagonist of the Doctor Who episode Tooth & Claw, with Father Angelo being the main human/secondary antagonist. The Host was played by Tom Smith. This Host had been selected by Father Angelo, as the legend said, every few years, a young boy went missing from his home. The Host was one such boy.
  • The Host takes place in a world reminiscent of the scenario in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It follows the emotional journey of Wanderer, a member of an altruistic alien society known on Earth as souls, as she experiences the emotions and complexities of human relationships, and discovers what it means to be human through her human host body’s original owner.
  • The Host is a science fiction/romance novel by Stephenie Meyer which she describes as "'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', if the aliens had won". The novel introduces an alien race, called souls, who take over Earth and its inhabitants because they believe humans to be too violent. The book describes one soul's predicament when the mind of the host body refuses to cooperate with her takeover. The Host was released on May 6, 2008 with an initial print run of 750,000 copies. However, an international version of the novel was released on April 2, 2008 in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, and Hong Kong by the UK publishing division. The prologue and the fourth chapter of the book can be found on Meyer's official website. |-|Gallery 2= Ian helping wanda.gif Saoirse Ronan as Wanda.jpg Car acidnet.jpg Ian and Wanda last talk.png Tumblr mpbk7jIKdA1s5xlfso1 500.jpg Tumblr mpb6k4nMIs1s5xlfso1 500.jpg Tumblr mhiixxADVj1r7v2hyo2 250.gif Tumblr mij4qcwXVo1qe6k35o1 500.jpg Tumblr mk52djxMlP1s95k6to3 250.gif -The-Host-movie-companion-pictures-ian-and-wanderer-32850321-1200-800.png Tumblr mli9poNzUn1ql6xr4o2 250.gif Tumblr mli9poNzUn1ql6xr4o1 250.gif Tumblr mofr7ppd2p1ql6xr4o9 250.gif Tumblr mkgkluUPTu1qef3ewo2 250.gif Tumblr moqgoij1Jl1rv9b1eo2 500.jpg Tumblr moqgoij1Jl1rv9b1eo3 500.jpg Tumblr mofr7ppd2p1ql6xr4o7 250.gif Tumblr mofr7ppd2p1ql6xr4o4 250.gif Ian und wanda kiss.png Ian und wanda 2.jpg Kyle4.jpg Kyle 2***.jpg Tumblr mkfth1iGvW1rjf1mso3 250.gif Tumblr mkfth1iGvW1rjf1mso2 250.gif Tumblr mkgqc0Aymi1qef3ewo1 500.gif
  • The Host is a mission in the campaign of Legacy of the Void. It is the fifth Aiur mission, and the second of the Return to Aiur storyline.
  • Meyer describes The Host as "Sci-fi for people who don't like Sci-fi." In fact it bears more resemblance to a fruit salad than to any actual science fiction, but accuracy has never been a strong point of Meyer's. Essentially, she seems to believe that she created "science fiction" by tossing in aliens, when in actuality she created "twilight, but with aliens this time." As with the Twilight books, healthy relationships are either disparaged or absent, the characters are whiny and self-centered, and the plot holes are large enough to fly an Airbus Beluga through. However, in this book we are also treated to the additional WTF moments brought on by the fact that several of our would-be sympathetic characters are murderous brain-stealing alien pacifists who expect us to be glad about their genocidal rampage across the galaxy because things are so peaceful once they've essentially wiped out the other alien species on the planets they take over.
  • The novel is set in present times on Earth somewhere 10-15 years after the invasion of the alien race known as Souls. They are silver worms that, once inserted to a beings spinal cord, gain complete mental and physical control of their host. They have no set life span. As long as a host exists, they thrive. The story is narrated from Wanderer’s, “Wanda”, perspective. Once she is inserted into Melanie, her host human, complications soon arise. Melanie’s mind refuses to be lost. Through a strong amount of will power, and her body’s initially weakened state, she is able to remain fully conscious, even after insertion, but is unable to control her (and now Wanda’s) body. Melanie was one of the few humans left who the Souls have not been unable to insert, yet. When Melanie was captured, they knew she was not alone. Wanda searches her mind, which is completely open to her, to attempt and locate any other stray humans. She finds the information she seeks, but is also bombarded with the emotions Melanie holds for those humans (her boyfriend, Jared, and younger brother, Jamie, whom she has practically raised) and begins to adopt them as her own. She is overcome with the strong, unexplainable desire to find and protect Jared and Jamie (from her race and anyone else) which Melanie fosters in hopes of reuniting with her family. “They” follow clues to a desert in Arizona. Eventually, they run out of water, and pass out of exhaustion. On the brink of death Jeb, Melanie’s uncle, discovers them. He, and group of 30ish people (including Jared and Jamie), have been living in an underground cavern. Against everyone in the groups’ wishes, Jeb brings Wanda back to the cavern and attempts to integrate her into their lives. Wanda (and Melanie) must face the obstacle of overcoming the prejudice of hate of every member of the group, including Jared. Many trails and tribulations occur before the group, as a whole, will accept her; they eventually do however. The novel ends when Wanda thinks of a way to restore humans’ minds without hurting her own race. She tells them the secret to desertion and teaches it to the doctor of their group. They sneak the removed Souls onto space ships leaving for other planets. This solution stops anyone from getting hurt and so is feasible to her. She also makes the decision to give Melanie her body back upon the agreement they will not send her to another planet like the others, but instead bury her in the desert. She wants this life to be her last. At the last minute however, they insert Wanda into another human whose mind has been too damaged to retrieve due to the extended period of disuse. She finally reaches her perfect ending by being allowed to stay in a human body, without causing harm to another’s life.
  • Los habitantes de Seúl observan sorprendidos un extraño objeto que cuelga de un puente sobre el río Han. Se trata de una monstruosa criatura mutante que al despertar devora a todo aquel que se cruza en su camino. El dueño de un kiosco a la orilla del río contempla horrorizado cómo la bestia rapta a su hija y se la lleva a su escondrijo. Mientras el ejército fracasa una y otra vez en su empeño por destruir al monstruo, aquel hombrecillo anónimo se armará de valor y, con la ayuda de su familia, intentará recuperar a su hija de las garras de la bestia.
  • The Brethren took the boy away from his homestead in the night and allowed him to be bitten by the Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform they worshipped. He became infected by the Haemovariform that "carved out his soul and sat in his heart". The Host was given all-black eyes and was entirely controlled by the Haemovariform, which could access the Host's memories and use some basic telepathy. Every full moon, he would transform into a true Haemovariform. The real boy was long dead. When the Tenth Doctor used the Torchwood House light chamber with the Koh-i-Noor to destroy the Haemovariform, the Host began to live again. He asked the Doctor to increase the effect and destroy him, which he did. The Host died sacrificing his life to save the world. (TV: Tooth and Claw)
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