  • Dixiecrats
  • The Dixiecrats, or Southern Democrats, were basically a bunch of people who regretted the Confederacy's loss in the Civil War of America. The unifying factor in the Southern Democrats was racism and support for racial segregation and not allowing black people to vote. Originally, most were Bourbon Democrats, but later they allowed Populists who were liberal on economic issues to join. They broke away as third parties several times when the Democrats became too progressive. Nowadays, they have been absorbed into the Republican Party.
  • The Dixiecrats, or Southern Democrats, were basically a bunch of people who regretted the Confederacy's loss in the Civil War of America. The unifying factor in the Southern Democrats was racism and support for racial segregation and not allowing black people to vote. Originally, most were Bourbon Democrats, but later they allowed Populists who were liberal on economic issues to join. They broke away as third parties several times when the Democrats became too progressive. Nowadays, they have been absorbed into the Republican Party.