  • Low-fat Beef and Black-eyed Peas
  • The crockpot does wonders for lean cuts of beef, which can be tough and chewy. A day in the crockpot makes it meltingly tender. The beauty of this all-in-one meal is that beef is just one part of this stew, so you really don't need to use more than ¾ of a pound to feed six people. Added protein and fiber comes from the black-eyed peas. * Contributed by Catsrecipes Y-Group * Source: About.Com Low Fat Cooking Guide * Serves 6
  • The crockpot does wonders for lean cuts of beef, which can be tough and chewy. A day in the crockpot makes it meltingly tender. The beauty of this all-in-one meal is that beef is just one part of this stew, so you really don't need to use more than ¾ of a pound to feed six people. Added protein and fiber comes from the black-eyed peas. * Contributed by Catsrecipes Y-Group * Source: About.Com Low Fat Cooking Guide * Serves 6