  • Coridanite
  • Physically, Coridanites are quite similar in appearance to other humanoid races. In diplomatic situations, Coridanites by tradition were required to wear elaborate masks that gave them a distinct appearance. (ENT episodes: "Shadows of P'Jem", "Demons") A Coridan officer served on Deep Space 9 in 2370. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky) In 2380, Coridani Hanta Trrrrei served as a member of Federation President Nanietta Bacco's security detail. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
  • Physically, Coridanites are quite similar in appearance to other humanoid races. In diplomatic situations, Coridanites by tradition were required to wear elaborate masks that gave them a distinct appearance. (ENT episodes: "Shadows of P'Jem", "Demons") In 2155, the Coridanites were poised to join the Coalition of Planets along with Earth, Vulcan, Andoria and Tellar, but a Romulan attack which caused massive damage to the surface of Coridan, forced them to withdraw from the talks. The Coridanites were semi-independent for over a century, before making moves towards being admitted into the United Federation of Planets in 2267. (ENT novel: The Good That Men Do; TOS episode: "Journey to Babel") A Coridan officer served on Deep Space 9 in 2370. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky) In 2380, Coridani Hanta Trrrrei served as a member of Federation President Nanietta Bacco's security detail. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
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