  • Second invasion
  • The second invasion refers to the Burning Legion's second attempt to destroy the world of Azeroth through full-scale military action. Strictly speaking, the term refers to the latter half of the conflict usually called the Third War (specifically, the part of the Third War from Archimonde's summoning at Dalaran to his fall at Mount Hyjal), though numerous other events, namely the outbreak of the undead plague, the arrival of the Lich King, and even the First War were lead-ins or preparations for the conflict. The invasion is divided in three parts:
  • The second invasion refers to the Burning Legion's second attempt to destroy the world of Azeroth through full-scale military action. Strictly speaking, the term refers to the latter half of the conflict usually called the Third War (specifically, the part of the Third War from Archimonde's summoning at Dalaran to his fall at Mount Hyjal), though numerous other events, namely the outbreak of the undead plague, the arrival of the Lich King, and even the First War were lead-ins or preparations for the conflict. The invasion is divided in three parts: * Path of the Damned, Warcraft III undead campaign, where control of the Undead Scourge is ultimately given over to the Burning Legion. * The Invasion of Kalimdor - Warcraft III orc campaign, where the orcs and humans ultimately join forces to battle the Burning Legion. * Eternity's End - Warcraft III night elf campaign, which finally puts a halt to the invasion at the base of the tree of life, Nordrassil.