  • Ayer
  • Ayer
  • Ayer
  • ayer invariable [aˈjeɾ] 1. * hier → víspera
  • Ayer ye un territoriu desconocíu. La so capital ye Cabróndequinta dende los tempos inmemoriales ye capital del conceyu ú ta la corte de Villalata I y los sos lameculos oficales del reinu. Ye un conceyu famosu porque en vez de palu dicen pelu, en vez de pelu dicen pilu y en vez de pilu dicen coz.
  • Ayer was a major in the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps who served as the stormtrooper commander aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera. When the Imperial slave transport Sempre was attacked by rebels working with the criminal Nightswan, Ayer received orders from the Imperial capital Coruscant to board the vessel with his men without informing the rest of the Chimaera's crew of the slaves onboard.
  • Ayer,güei y sempro
  • *Galactic Empire **Imperial Military ***Imperial Army ****Stormtrooper Corps
  • Ayer
  • Galactic Empire
  • ¿Qué?
  • El Gorrembéu de Cabruñana,tamién conocíu como Villalata
  • 2
códigu postal
  • Tropecientos
comunidá autónoma
  • ayeranianu terrícola
Imaxen escudu
  • 90
Imaxen bandera
  • 100
  • Ayer was a major in the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps who served as the stormtrooper commander aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera. When the Imperial slave transport Sempre was attacked by rebels working with the criminal Nightswan, Ayer received orders from the Imperial capital Coruscant to board the vessel with his men without informing the rest of the Chimaera's crew of the slaves onboard. By the time the Chimaera reached the Sempre however, the attackers and slaves were long gone, and so Ayer grudgingly allowed Commodore Thrawn and Lieutenant Commander Eli Vanto to board. Thrawn worked out that the transport had been carrying slaves, and used the information to work out the next target of the rebels: the Imperial base Lansend Twenty-Six, where the slaves had originated from. The Chimaera then arrived at Lansend while it was under attack and helped defeat the rebel attackers. When the Chimaera traveled to the planet Botajef in order to confront its Governor Quesl, who had declared that the world was succeeding from the Empire, Thrawn had the major and his men standby ready for battle before arriving. There proved to be little need however, as Thrawn realised that the succession was simply a cover created by Quesl to allow him to steal a collection of valuable art work onboard a CR90 corvette. Once the governor's ruse was revealed, Thrawn had Ayer and his men board the corvette and arrested Quesl.
  • ayer invariable [aˈjeɾ] 1. * hier → víspera
  • Ayer ye un territoriu desconocíu. La so capital ye Cabróndequinta dende los tempos inmemoriales ye capital del conceyu ú ta la corte de Villalata I y los sos lameculos oficales del reinu. Ye un conceyu famosu porque en vez de palu dicen pelu, en vez de pelu dicen pilu y en vez de pilu dicen coz. La economía ye mui diversa:Estraución del cabrón(poquitino, poquitino), Xates...amás de la estación d'esqui que menos díis abrió esta temporá nel norte de la Península, el negociu de la droga a gran escala, los trapicheos varios nel hayuntamientu y dexuru que más coses. ¡Ah! Tamién tán les prexubilaciones que permitieron qu'espoyetare la venta de cochones grandes y feos que se saquen un par de veces al añu; una pel branu, pa dir a Valencia de don Juan (Llión solo) o, nel so defeutu, a Los Alcázares (Murcia) y otra pel iviernu, pa dir a facer como que s'esquía al puertu. Anguaño la principal fuente d'ingresos del conceyu ye la venta de pegates pal coche col escudu'l conceyu, ya que hai una llei que diz que to ayerán con coche tien de poner l'escudu o la bandera nel maleteru, lo que supón graves pérdigues a la industria de les Pegates de "Yo Conduzco, ella me guía" La hestoria, bueno, nun se sabe mui bien. Paez ser qu'habia xente fai milenta años pero lo de siempre, van faciéndose vieyos, pónense malos y acaben morriendo toos, dalgunos violentamente y too, como nos nomaos Socesos de Morría nos que hubo d'achuquinar a unos picoletos que taben tocando los güevos un poco y caro, tando como taba la cosa de caliente n'aquella dómina de los entamos del sieglu XX tornose too nun bañu sangre(¿y los nenos?¿ye que naide nun camenta non nenos?). Pero, en fin, la vida sigue, que dicen perende y la xente siguió follando más o menos y teniendo fíos con más o menos tares físiques y/o mentales fasta llegar al estáu de miseria económica y moral d'angüañu que dexa asoleyar un futuru envidiable.