  • Kristatanti
  • Kristatanti is a small village of Hill Dwellers in the Shamutanti Hills in southern Kakhabad. The village has an ale-house, frequented by the locals (a mug of ale costs 1GP), and an inn, where a bowl of Skunkbear Stew costs 2GP and a bed for the night 3GP. The Hill Dwellers of Kristatanti are somewhat suspicious of outsiders, if not unfriendly, and they wear their hair long, "but piled up on their heads", and "held in place by pins and bones".
  • Kristatanti is a small village of Hill Dwellers in the Shamutanti Hills in southern Kakhabad. The village has an ale-house, frequented by the locals (a mug of ale costs 1GP), and an inn, where a bowl of Skunkbear Stew costs 2GP and a bed for the night 3GP. The Hill Dwellers of Kristatanti are somewhat suspicious of outsiders, if not unfriendly, and they wear their hair long, "but piled up on their heads", and "held in place by pins and bones".