  • Sahnyu
  • Sahnyu members all don different forms of attire, for the purpose of not being easily indentified as a group. All members wear nail polish of varying colors on their finger and toenails, that match the color they represent. They also wear starw hats with bells on them; The hats may be used to move around in the general population unnoticed, or for when the weather requires one. Some members tend to wear their village headband with a scar through the middle to show their defection. However, other members cease wearing them for several reasons. Everyone also wears a necklace with kanji representing a different color depending on who the member is.
  • Sahnyu members all don different forms of attire, for the purpose of not being easily indentified as a group. All members wear nail polish of varying colors on their finger and toenails, that match the color they represent. They also wear starw hats with bells on them; The hats may be used to move around in the general population unnoticed, or for when the weather requires one. Some members tend to wear their village headband with a scar through the middle to show their defection. However, other members cease wearing them for several reasons. Everyone also wears a necklace with kanji representing a different color depending on who the member is.