  • Create a huge disruption
  • From: [[]] Stand up! Denounce the medium! Turn up the lamps and open the curtains so everyone can see her trickery! [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • An uproar
Failure title
  • A lesson about faith
  • 100
Failure description
  • You take action. You expose the medium's arts and deceits to her audience. […] The spirit cabinet that contains an urchin […] You expect an outcry. Instead, the room turns its back on you. […] and the séance continues as if you were never there.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Sabotaging a séance
Success description
  • You take action. You expose the[…]spirit cabinet that contains an urchin[…] The mechanism that levitates the medium in her chair. There is an outcry. The room erupts with shouted outrage[…]you have certainly ruined your relationship with the Shroud.
  • Stand up! Denounce the medium! Turn up the lamps and open the curtains so everyone can see her trickery!
  • From: [[]] Stand up! Denounce the medium! Turn up the lamps and open the curtains so everyone can see her trickery! [Find the rest of the story at ]