  • Toby (Charlton)
  • Bob Packard and his wife Margo have a fight and decide to call it quits. Bob returns to his childhood home on a family farm and finds his pet dog Toby is living there. He thought Toby had died. More, he finds out Toby talks. Toby admonishes him for his treatment of Margo. Surprisingly, Margo shows up at the farm. Bob and Margo begin talking about their common roots growing up on a farm, which neither of them knew. They reconcile, and wonder that Toby appeared to both of them. Toby is nowhere to be found, but they both saw and talked with the dog.
Row 4 info
  • Joe Gill, Bill Fraccio
Row 1 info
  • Toby
Row 4 title
  • Created by
Row 2 info
  • Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #7
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
Row 3 info
  • Charlton
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
Box Title
  • Toby
  • Bob Packard and his wife Margo have a fight and decide to call it quits. Bob returns to his childhood home on a family farm and finds his pet dog Toby is living there. He thought Toby had died. More, he finds out Toby talks. Toby admonishes him for his treatment of Margo. Surprisingly, Margo shows up at the farm. Bob and Margo begin talking about their common roots growing up on a farm, which neither of them knew. They reconcile, and wonder that Toby appeared to both of them. Toby is nowhere to be found, but they both saw and talked with the dog.