  • Break him out!
  • From: [[]] He has made his choice. It will be respected. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • At once, you make for the house and hammer on the door
Failure title
  • That wasn't entirely fair...
Game Instructions
  • Loss of Favours: Society, but you will be rewarded by the tomb-colonists.
  • 35
Failure description
  • [...] [Y]ou hammer on the door, ready to shoulder it in the moment it opens. Instead, some cad pushes an antique musket out through the letterbox and opens fire! [...] You beat a retreat while your assailant curses and struggles to reload. [...]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Going gentle
Success description
  • [...]The butlers try to restrain you. [...] Canes are brandished. At one point, you are forced to call someone a 'varlet'. Freeing the baronet, you escort him out to the protestations of his relatives and the moans of incapacitated butlers.[...]
  • He has made his choice. It will be respected.
  • From: [[]] He has made his choice. It will be respected. [Find the rest of the story at ]