  • Kazago
  • Kazago
  • Kazago
  • Kazago
  • Kazago was a male Ferengi and a member of the military of the Ferengi Alliance in the 2360s. In 2364, Kazago was DaiMon Bok's first officer aboard the Kurdon. After Bok's plan to brainwash Jean-Luc Picard into attacking the USS Enterprise (in revenge for Picard killing Bok's son Flax), was revealed, Kazago relieved Bok of command of the Kurdon, citing the unprofitability of the entire plan. (TNG episode: "The Battle") By 2368, Kazago had been assigned to a Ferengi marauder under the command of DaiMon Tork. (TNG novel: The Devil's Heart)
  • Kazago was the first officer aboard a Ferengi D'Kora-class marauder commanded by DaiMon Bok in 2364. He was involved in the plan to return the USS Stargazer to Starfleet, unaware that Bok was not planning to sell it but to avenge the death of Bok's son who was killed in a battle with the Stargazer in 2355. He relieved Bok from command after Bok made an attempt to gain revenge on Federation captain, Jean-Luc Picard. Kazago regarded it as an "unprofitable venture" since there was no profit in revenge. (TNG: "The Battle" ) Kazago was played by actor Doug Warhit.
  • Kazago était le premier officier à bord du vaisseau Ferengi de classe D'kora commandé par le DaiMon Bok dans les années 2360.
  • Byl zapojený do plánu vrácení lodi USS Stargazer Hvězdné flotile, a pomáhal Bokovi posmtít se za smrt jeho syna, který zemřel v boji se Stargazerem v roce 2355. Kazago zbavil Boka velení poté, co jeho pomsta kapitánu Jean-Luc Picardovi nevyšla, a oni jim předali Stargazer, aniž by z toho měli nějaký zisk. (TNG: The Battle)
  • thumb|Kazago (2364) Kazago ist ein Ferengi und der Erster Offizier an Bord des Raumschiffs der D'kora-Klasse, das 2364 von Daimon Bok kommandiert wird. Er ist in Boks Plan verwickelt, die USS Stargazer an Captain Picard zurückzugeben und damit den Tod von Boks Sohn in der Schlacht von Maxia im Jahre 2355 zu rächen. Kazago enthebt später Bok seines Kommandos, nachdem dieser Plan nicht auf Profit aus gewesen ist und schließlich scheitert. (TNG: )
  • Maraudeur de Bok
  • 2364
  • Kazago
  • Premier officier
  • Active
  • Masculin
  • Citoyen de l'Alliance Ferengie
  • Rata
  • First Officer, marauder
  • Male
  • Kazago was a male Ferengi and a member of the military of the Ferengi Alliance in the 2360s. In 2364, Kazago was DaiMon Bok's first officer aboard the Kurdon. After Bok's plan to brainwash Jean-Luc Picard into attacking the USS Enterprise (in revenge for Picard killing Bok's son Flax), was revealed, Kazago relieved Bok of command of the Kurdon, citing the unprofitability of the entire plan. (TNG episode: "The Battle") By 2368, Kazago had been assigned to a Ferengi marauder under the command of DaiMon Tork. (TNG novel: The Devil's Heart)
  • Kazago was the first officer aboard a Ferengi D'Kora-class marauder commanded by DaiMon Bok in 2364. He was involved in the plan to return the USS Stargazer to Starfleet, unaware that Bok was not planning to sell it but to avenge the death of Bok's son who was killed in a battle with the Stargazer in 2355. He relieved Bok from command after Bok made an attempt to gain revenge on Federation captain, Jean-Luc Picard. Kazago regarded it as an "unprofitable venture" since there was no profit in revenge. (TNG: "The Battle" ) Kazago was played by actor Doug Warhit.
  • Kazago était le premier officier à bord du vaisseau Ferengi de classe D'kora commandé par le DaiMon Bok dans les années 2360.
  • Byl zapojený do plánu vrácení lodi USS Stargazer Hvězdné flotile, a pomáhal Bokovi posmtít se za smrt jeho syna, který zemřel v boji se Stargazerem v roce 2355. Kazago zbavil Boka velení poté, co jeho pomsta kapitánu Jean-Luc Picardovi nevyšla, a oni jim předali Stargazer, aniž by z toho měli nějaký zisk. (TNG: The Battle)
  • thumb|Kazago (2364) Kazago ist ein Ferengi und der Erster Offizier an Bord des Raumschiffs der D'kora-Klasse, das 2364 von Daimon Bok kommandiert wird. Er ist in Boks Plan verwickelt, die USS Stargazer an Captain Picard zurückzugeben und damit den Tod von Boks Sohn in der Schlacht von Maxia im Jahre 2355 zu rächen. Kazago enthebt später Bok seines Kommandos, nachdem dieser Plan nicht auf Profit aus gewesen ist und schließlich scheitert. (TNG: ) Kazago wurde von Doug Warhit gespielt und von Hans-Jürgen Wolf synchronisiert (TV-Version). In der deutschen TV-Version wird sein Name Kazata ausgesprochen.