  • IKS Tarr'vang
  • The IKS Tarr'vang was a D9 class battle cruiser that saw service with the Klingon Defense Force during the 23rd century. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era) In 2265, the Tarr'vang was involved in a skirmish with the Federation near Ventaru VI. During the battle it inflicted significant damage on three Starfleet vessels.
  • The IKS Tarr'vang was a D9 class battle cruiser that saw service with the Klingon Defense Force during the 23rd century. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era) In 2265, the Tarr'vang was involved in a skirmish with the Federation near Ventaru VI. During the battle it inflicted significant damage on three Starfleet vessels.