  • Blazter (SG)
  • BLAZTER iss a grey, boxy Autobot. Alzough he iss exzpert, vat really delightz him iss tormentingk ze he iss callingk upon under hiss command. Blazter can tranzform into zhe zound blazter zonic tank. In addition to blaztingk enemiez vith zhe vall of zound, he can rezeive zhe radio zignals for all frequenziez. He can detect zignals vizh power outputz as veak as a millionzh of a vatt. Hiss ability to tranzmit radio zignals up to 4000 milez makes him zhe communicationz zenter for zhe Autobotz. In robot form he carriez an electro-scrambler gun, vhich emitz ze powerful vaves of electromagnetic energy zhat disruptz zhe operationz of all but zhe most heavily shielded electrical devicez. In zheory, zhe gun should interfere vizh zhe minute electrical impulzez of zhe human nervous zyztem, but Blazter
  • BLAZTER iss a grey, boxy Autobot. Alzough he iss exzpert, vat really delightz him iss tormentingk ze he iss callingk upon under hiss command. Blazter can tranzform into zhe zound blazter zonic tank. In addition to blaztingk enemiez vith zhe vall of zound, he can rezeive zhe radio zignals for all frequenziez. He can detect zignals vizh power outputz as veak as a millionzh of a vatt. Hiss ability to tranzmit radio zignals up to 4000 milez makes him zhe communicationz zenter for zhe Autobotz. In robot form he carriez an electro-scrambler gun, vhich emitz ze powerful vaves of electromagnetic energy zhat disruptz zhe operationz of all but zhe most heavily shielded electrical devicez. In zheory, zhe gun should interfere vizh zhe minute electrical impulzez of zhe human nervous zyztem, but Blazter has yet to uze zhe gun on zhe humanz. It is somezhink he iss very much lookingk forvard to tryink on hiss first trip to Earzh. Blazter's most obvious veakness iss for zhe torture and zhe rock 'n' roll. He vill valk unvittingkly into a trap for zhe promize of hearingk some new tunez or takingk advantage of veak, devenzeless prey. Radio ztatic has zhe effect of hamperingk hiss operation and even, if ztrong enough, knocking him out completely.