  • V3 Armada
  • The V3, known as "Armada" is a another early game blimp, however this one is a multi-part, to help prepare you for the far tougher multi-parts to come. It appears on round 22-28 (depending on difficulty), it's a bit bulkier than the 3 predecessors, however it has multiple parts that make it quite threatening. It has a total of 95 health and it moves at the speed of a Red bloon.
  • The V3, known as "Armada" is a another early game blimp, however this one is a multi-part, to help prepare you for the far tougher multi-parts to come. It appears on round 22-28 (depending on difficulty), it's a bit bulkier than the 3 predecessors, however it has multiple parts that make it quite threatening. It has a total of 95 health and it moves at the speed of a Red bloon.