  • Feedback
  • Feedback
  • Feedback
  • FeedBack
  • Feedback
  • Feedback
  • Feedback
  • Feedback is a fanon character; he has yet to encounter Mario.
  • Feedback is a super hero with the abilty to absorb and use powers from video games.
  • Wenn Du einfach mal was über diesen Server hier bekannt machen möchtest, benutze bitte diese Feedback - Seite:
  • Feedback was a presumed Exile that could be encountered in Hypatia's second mission, while trying to obtain a book from the Coroner's possession.
  • Feedback is how Foldit users report problems, ask questions, and make suggestions. Feedback is available at the Foldit feedback page. The "Cases" link on your "My Page" page shows all the feedbacks that you have created. See Reporting Bugs and Crashes for suggestions on how to report problems.
  • In 2364, Lieutenant Natasha Yar reported that she got feedback from Farpoint Station following the energy beam on the station. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) When Doctor Beverly Crusher asked Geordi La Forge what happened to Worf in sensor maintenance, La Forge speculated that Worf was hit by some sensor feedback. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" ) In 2370, fog suddenly rolled in on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D when the ship's environmental controls malfunctioned due to feedback from one of the Caldos colony's weather substations. (TNG: "Sub Rosa" )
  • Feedback is
  • Feedback is Ben's Conductoid alien.
  • Feedback is a music band.
  • This is chapter
  • If a business reliably provides quality goods and services at fair prices and no one’s keeping track, does anyone care? Without a feedback system, good business practices don’t reap the rewards they deserve, and bad business perpetuates.
  • "Post your suggestions and thoughts about the site."
  • Het (game)feedback geven aan iets of iemand is de moeite doen waarbij m'n helpt en resultaat oplevert. Feedback wordt er vaak gegeven op Forums bijvoorbeeld op het RuneScape Forum (feedback sectie) Categorie:Basiswoorden
  • yeah 17:06, June 11, 2013 (UTC)
  • A system whose output acts modulatory back to its input is referred to as feedback mechanism, e.g. as degenerative feedback in feedback control systems. In degenerative feedback loops (e.g. negative feedback) the output signal is apt to inhibit the system's input, whereas in positive feedback as well as in other regenerative feedback processes the output amplifies the input signal. Cybernetic systems theory mathematically analyses feedback processes.
  • Feedback es la muestra de ADN de un Conductoid del Planeta Teslavorr dentro del Omnitrix.
  • Feedback is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Conductoid from the Teslavorr nebula.
  • Feedback is a psionic power. During the Brood War, dark archons manipulated raw psychic energy to cause damage by turning the energy of a target against itself. By the Second Great War, the high templar learned to use this ability. As high templar are deeply attuned to the energy flows that surround them, through this psionic ability, these warriors can grasp the energy currents present in beings or machines, and drain them through a violent chain reaction. This backlash may cause grievous wounds to living beings, or massive structural damage to machines. If the target happens to bristle with energy, the powerful psionic Feedback may destroy it outright.
  • ya fue creado ==Características y usos== es electrico ==Ventajas y desventajas== muy eletrico pero es lo unico que ase imagen Categoría:Aliens
  • Feedback is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Conductoid from theTeslavorr nebula and one of Ben Tennyson's transformations.
  • Full: Target foe loses one enchantment. If an enchantment is removed in this way, that foe also loses 4...9 Energy. Concise: Removes one enchantment. Removal effect: target foe loses 4...9 Energy. __TOC__
  • Zane was once an old circus friend of Dick Grayson, as Feedback he is an assassin contractor with implants that allow him to manipulate the emotions and mind of his opponent.
  • Feedback es una muestra de ADN del Omnitrix de un Conductoid del Planeta Teslavorr.
  • Feedback brenner vekk ein liten del av din motstanders mana og tar 1 shadow skade for kvar mana den har brent vekk
  • Teenage Feedback (Omniverse) Güç 10000 Dövüş gücü 10000 Saldırı gücü 10000 Ateş gücü 10000 Zayıf yönü yok
  • <> * Prototype like crazy * Pixel perfect * Bitch! Loud and often * Eat your own dog food * Date your users
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • 10 year-old Feedback has a black and white color scheme similar to Buzzshock. Feedback has one green eye in the middle of his head. He has two antennae and a tail that feature plugs on their tips that allows him to draw energy to himself. He has four fingers on each hand with similar plugs on the tip of each finger. Feedback has only two front toes. Feedback wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.
  • A system whose output acts modulatory back to its input is referred to as feedback mechanism, e.g. as degenerative feedback in feedback control systems. In degenerative feedback loops (also referred to as negative feedback as time differentials of deviations from equilibrium are negative) the output signal is apt to inhibit the system's input, whereas in positive feedback (regenerative feedback processes) the output amplifies the input signal. Cybernetic systems theory mathematically analyses feedback processes.
  • Der Begriff Feedback stammt aus dem Englischen und lautet übersetzt "Rückkopplung". Er beschreibt einen Vorgang, bei dem ein Signal oder Ähnliches verstärkt zu seinem Ursprung zurück gesendet wird. Ein Feedback-Impuls bezeichnet eine Verstärkung eines Signals oder Ähnlichem, das zu einer Überlastung von Schiffssystemen führen kann. Eine Feedback-Schleife ist eine stete Verstärkung des ursprünglichen Signals, welche durch eine gegenseitige Übersendung und Verstärkung zwischen Ausgangs- und Eingansquelle verursacht wird, wodurch ebenfalls die Systeme, durch den Anstieg der Signalstärke, zerstört werden.
  • Feedback fue un general subversivo nacido en Oceánica, que murió de forma heroica en la Batalla del Ave. Nació en el año 2111 ACL. En el 2106 fue comprado por Ulmeoth como esclavo hasta que su amo lo liberó, en el 2096 ACL. Ese mismo año, se convirtió en discípulo del Gran Protector de Oceánica, Gatipez, el cual lo declaró su secretario en el año 2071. Tras la muerte del Gran Protector, ejerció su cargo entre los años 2068 y 2047. Feedback ganó un gran honor entre los suyos. Uno de los satélites de Oceánico fue llamado Feedback, en su honor.
  • 1628.0
Primera aparición
  • povrotnjo soviazanie
  • From the original English name
  • From retroalimentaión, feedback
  • Feedback
New Header
  • Feedback
  • Feedback (Albert Louis);Albert Louis from Alpha Flight Vol 1 118.jpg
  • Feedback (Albert Louis); Albert Louis from Alpha Flight Vol 1 128 001.jpg
  • From the original English name
Row 1 info
  • Matthew Atherton
  • Фийдбек
  • Esclavo de Ulmeoth Discípulo del Gran Protector Secretario del Gran Protector Gran Protector de Oceánico General Subversivo
  • No tenía
Row 2 info
  • Matthew Atherton
  • 2043
Estado Civil
  • Soltero
talent req
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Atigrados
Row 2 title
  • Played by
  • povratne
  • Feedback
points req
  • 25
  • 250
  • 1
Box Title
  • Feedback
  • Feedback
  • Atlantic
  • Electrokinesis
  • Energy Absorption
  • Flight
  • Enhanced Durability
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Space Survivability
  • Energy Redirection
  • Enhanced Jumping
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Energy Balls
  • Elastic Antennae Tentacles
  • Radiolocation
  • David Leonard and Rush
  • Formerly Haly's Circus
  • None
  • Feedback
  • Prog-Rock
  • EP
  • music band
  • Feedback performing at The Rusty Nail
  • T.G.I.S.
  • Illusion Casting
  • The More Things Change: Part 1
  • From フィードバック
  • Feedback
  • Rétroactor
  • Humanoid
Character Name
  • Feedback
  • Electrokinesis Energy Absorption Energy Redirection Enhanced Strength Enhanced Durability Enhanced Agility Enhanced Jumping Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Speed Flight Energy Balls Elastic Antennae Tentacles Radiolocation Space Survivability
  • 0
  • Teslavorr
  • 2111
  • Desconocido
  • Feedback
Last album
  • Rush in Rio
  • Feedback
  • Retroalimentación
  • Feedback
  • Shaman
This Album
  • Feedback
  • 3
Real Name
  • Zane
  • Your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells reduce the remaining cooldown on your Elemental Mastery talent by X sec.
  • AzulOscuro
  • Energy absorption
  • Energy redirection
  • 202
  • Blitzschlag
  • From the original English name
  • フィードバック
  • Ab3ca4c8e6742d9343f09d4b8378c035.jpg
  • 16
  • Feedback Profile.png
  • Feedback usado por Ben a los 16 años
  • Feedback.jpg
  • Desbloqueado
  • Accesible
Next album
  • R30
  • 2004-06-29
  • life performances
  • Geribesleme
  • Rush
  • March – April 2004 Phase One Studios, Toronto
  • 电蜥
  • 드백
  • *Allmusic link
  • 29
  • Elemental, Tier 6
  • Feedback
  • 250
Alternate Counterparts
  • Feedback
planeta natal
  • Oceánico
  • Feedback
  • From the original English name
  • From the original English name
  • From the original English name
  • From rétroactor, retroractor
  • Unda
  • From Geri, back and besleme, feed
  • From 피드백, feedback
  • From blitz, lightning and schlag, hit
  • From 电 , electric, and 蜥 , lizard
  • From unda, wave
  • From the original English name
11 años
  • 200
  • Feedback usado por Ben a los 11 años
  • Color crema
miembros familiares
  • Se desconocen
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • Feedback is a fanon character; he has yet to encounter Mario.
  • Feedback is a super hero with the abilty to absorb and use powers from video games.
  • Wenn Du einfach mal was über diesen Server hier bekannt machen möchtest, benutze bitte diese Feedback - Seite:
  • A system whose output acts modulatory back to its input is referred to as feedback mechanism, e.g. as degenerative feedback in feedback control systems. In degenerative feedback loops (also referred to as negative feedback as time differentials of deviations from equilibrium are negative) the output signal is apt to inhibit the system's input, whereas in positive feedback (regenerative feedback processes) the output amplifies the input signal. Feedback loops are defined as positive (regenerative) if the number of negative correlators is even (including 0). If the number of negative correlators is odd the loop is negative (degenerative). Degenerative systems are stable systems, regenerative systems exhibit unstable behaviour. Cybernetic systems theory mathematically analyses feedback processes.
  • Feedback was a presumed Exile that could be encountered in Hypatia's second mission, while trying to obtain a book from the Coroner's possession.
  • Feedback is how Foldit users report problems, ask questions, and make suggestions. Feedback is available at the Foldit feedback page. The "Cases" link on your "My Page" page shows all the feedbacks that you have created. See Reporting Bugs and Crashes for suggestions on how to report problems.
  • Feedback fue un general subversivo nacido en Oceánica, que murió de forma heroica en la Batalla del Ave. Nació en el año 2111 ACL. En el 2106 fue comprado por Ulmeoth como esclavo hasta que su amo lo liberó, en el 2096 ACL. Ese mismo año, se convirtió en discípulo del Gran Protector de Oceánica, Gatipez, el cual lo declaró su secretario en el año 2071. Tras la muerte del Gran Protector, ejerció su cargo entre los años 2068 y 2047. Más tarde, deja su cargo y se une al grupo Subversivo, que lo nombra General Subversivo. Su mandato estuvo marcado por innumerables guerras. Feedback fue quién lideró la Batalla del Ave. Al final de la guerra, cuando ya estaban a punto de vencer, Feedback murió en una explosión producida por una nave enemiga. Feedback ganó un gran honor entre los suyos. Uno de los satélites de Oceánico fue llamado Feedback, en su honor.
  • 10 year-old Feedback has a black and white color scheme similar to Buzzshock. Feedback has one green eye in the middle of his head. He has two antennae and a tail that feature plugs on their tips that allows him to draw energy to himself. He has four fingers on each hand with similar plugs on the tip of each finger. Feedback has only two front toes. 16 year old Feedback looks similar to his 11 year old self, except that he is more muscular with gold battery bolts on his shoulders, arms and hips. He also has a black and green color scheme comparable to Diamondhead's shirt. His antennae are noticeably longer than when he was eleven. The round plugs on his fingers are now square. Feedback wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.
  • In 2364, Lieutenant Natasha Yar reported that she got feedback from Farpoint Station following the energy beam on the station. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) When Doctor Beverly Crusher asked Geordi La Forge what happened to Worf in sensor maintenance, La Forge speculated that Worf was hit by some sensor feedback. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" ) In 2370, fog suddenly rolled in on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D when the ship's environmental controls malfunctioned due to feedback from one of the Caldos colony's weather substations. (TNG: "Sub Rosa" )
  • Feedback is
  • Feedback is Ben's Conductoid alien.
  • Feedback is a music band.
  • This is chapter
  • If a business reliably provides quality goods and services at fair prices and no one’s keeping track, does anyone care? Without a feedback system, good business practices don’t reap the rewards they deserve, and bad business perpetuates.
  • Der Begriff Feedback stammt aus dem Englischen und lautet übersetzt "Rückkopplung". Er beschreibt einen Vorgang, bei dem ein Signal oder Ähnliches verstärkt zu seinem Ursprung zurück gesendet wird. Ein Feedback-Impuls bezeichnet eine Verstärkung eines Signals oder Ähnlichem, das zu einer Überlastung von Schiffssystemen führen kann. Eine Feedback-Schleife ist eine stete Verstärkung des ursprünglichen Signals, welche durch eine gegenseitige Übersendung und Verstärkung zwischen Ausgangs- und Eingansquelle verursacht wird, wodurch ebenfalls die Systeme, durch den Anstieg der Signalstärke, zerstört werden. 2154 löst die Raumstation Cold Station 12 ein Feedback aus, wodurch die Kommunikation der Enterprise (NX-01) gestört wird. (ENT: ) 2369 löst ein Energiestrahl der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) zu einem romulanischen Warbird ein Feedback aus, welches einen Warpkernbruch auf der Enterprise auslöst. (TNG: ) 2374 schickt Seven of Nine eine Feedbackwelle durch das Hirogen-Kommunikationsnetzwerk, um einen unkooperativen Hirogen zu betäuben. (VOY: ) 2375 entwickelt das Programm des Doktors eine Feedback-Schleife, weil seine Persönlichkeitssubroutinen mit der ürsprünglichen Programmierung, den ethischen Subroutinen, in Konflikt gerät. Die Folge ist, dass sein Programm immer wieder dieselben "Gedankengänge" ausführt, der Doktor erscheint verrückt und extrem wütend. Nachdem er aufdeckt, dass Captain Janeway sein Programm zu seinem eigenen Schutz sabotiert hat, sehen er und Seven of Nine seine Rechte als Individuum verletzt. Janeway entscheidet sich daraufhin, den Doktor den "inneren Kampf" mit sich selbst ausführen zu lassen und seine Erinnerungsdateien nicht mehr zu löschen. (VOY: ) Durch eine starke Energiezufuhr in Geordi La Forges Nerven durch den Anzug der Interface-Einheit wurde eine Feedbackschleife in Geordis Nerven in den Händen ausgelöst. Dadurch wurden seine Hände verbrannt, obwohl sie keinem Feuer ausgesetzt wurden. (TNG: ) 2377 feuert Tuvok mit seinem Phaser durch den Doktor hindurch, um den nygeanischen Gefangenen Iko zu betäuben. Dadurch wird beim Doktor eine Feedbackwelle ausgelöst, die zu einem Fluktuieren des Programms des Doktors führt, bis Seven of Nine dieses repariert hat. (VOY: )
  • "Post your suggestions and thoughts about the site."
  • Het (game)feedback geven aan iets of iemand is de moeite doen waarbij m'n helpt en resultaat oplevert. Feedback wordt er vaak gegeven op Forums bijvoorbeeld op het RuneScape Forum (feedback sectie) Categorie:Basiswoorden
  • yeah 17:06, June 11, 2013 (UTC)
  • A system whose output acts modulatory back to its input is referred to as feedback mechanism, e.g. as degenerative feedback in feedback control systems. In degenerative feedback loops (e.g. negative feedback) the output signal is apt to inhibit the system's input, whereas in positive feedback as well as in other regenerative feedback processes the output amplifies the input signal. Cybernetic systems theory mathematically analyses feedback processes.
  • Feedback es la muestra de ADN de un Conductoid del Planeta Teslavorr dentro del Omnitrix.
  • Feedback is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Conductoid from the Teslavorr nebula.
  • Feedback is a psionic power. During the Brood War, dark archons manipulated raw psychic energy to cause damage by turning the energy of a target against itself. By the Second Great War, the high templar learned to use this ability. As high templar are deeply attuned to the energy flows that surround them, through this psionic ability, these warriors can grasp the energy currents present in beings or machines, and drain them through a violent chain reaction. This backlash may cause grievous wounds to living beings, or massive structural damage to machines. If the target happens to bristle with energy, the powerful psionic Feedback may destroy it outright.
  • ya fue creado ==Características y usos== es electrico ==Ventajas y desventajas== muy eletrico pero es lo unico que ase imagen Categoría:Aliens
  • Feedback is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Conductoid from theTeslavorr nebula and one of Ben Tennyson's transformations.
  • Full: Target foe loses one enchantment. If an enchantment is removed in this way, that foe also loses 4...9 Energy. Concise: Removes one enchantment. Removal effect: target foe loses 4...9 Energy. __TOC__
  • Zane was once an old circus friend of Dick Grayson, as Feedback he is an assassin contractor with implants that allow him to manipulate the emotions and mind of his opponent.
  • Feedback es una muestra de ADN del Omnitrix de un Conductoid del Planeta Teslavorr.
  • Feedback brenner vekk ein liten del av din motstanders mana og tar 1 shadow skade for kvar mana den har brent vekk
  • Teenage Feedback (Omniverse) Güç 10000 Dövüş gücü 10000 Saldırı gücü 10000 Ateş gücü 10000 Zayıf yönü yok
  • <> * Prototype like crazy * Pixel perfect * Bitch! Loud and often * Eat your own dog food * Date your users
is Technik of
is jugables of
is Alien of
is User of
is Alternate Counterparts of