  • That 70s Show/WMG
  • The gang from the show did a LOT of toking back in the 70s. It could very well be that what we see on the show are the memories of the characters in modern day trying to remember their experiences as teenagers in the 1970s--except that they fail in many respects due to their hazy memories. Under this "hazy memories" umbrella:
  • The gang from the show did a LOT of toking back in the 70s. It could very well be that what we see on the show are the memories of the characters in modern day trying to remember their experiences as teenagers in the 1970s--except that they fail in many respects due to their hazy memories. Under this "hazy memories" umbrella: * T7S had eight Christmases from 1976 to 1979. The plot of each could have happened around the same time as each other, or some not at all. * The gang went skinny dipping and had their clothes stolen, and all rode home naked together in the Vista Cruiser; yet in a later episode Kelso makes a big deal about never having seen Donna topless. * Jackie's mother is played by Eve Plumb in a Season 1 episode, then is replaced with Brooke Shields in later episodes. This could be because the characters (particularly the guys) didn't notice her or her perceived hotness until she started dating Bob. * Ditto with Laurie, who was also Other Darrin-ed before departing. * There are various birthday and age inconsistencies. * The overall timeline of the 70s isn't adhered to with any major structure, aside from the final episode. It's all a blur to these guys! * Also, didn't Donna used to have a sister?