  • Yun'o Avatars (DMs)
  • Yun'o Avatars were the reincarnations of the Yuuzhan Vong deities: the Yun'o, at an early state they were the "Larval form" of the Yun'o due to not being Force wielders and were only capable of seeing flashbacks of their past lives through the Embrace of Elysian, they eventually found Abeloth's planet in The Maw and by drinking and/or bathing in the Font of Power/Pool of Knowledge they finally succeeded their former incarnations and replaced them.
  • Yun'o Avatars were the reincarnations of the Yuuzhan Vong deities: the Yun'o, at an early state they were the "Larval form" of the Yun'o due to not being Force wielders and were only capable of seeing flashbacks of their past lives through the Embrace of Elysian, they eventually found Abeloth's planet in The Maw and by drinking and/or bathing in the Font of Power/Pool of Knowledge they finally succeeded their former incarnations and replaced them.