  • The Cliff Of A View
  • Man: Here you all go. April: Thanks Uncle Hershel. Hershel: Any time. Drake: I didn't know your Uncle lived here. April: I don't tell you everything. Jon: You two are more than just friends. Rotom-Dex: More than just friends? Mary: He means they like each other Rotom. Rotom-Dex: Does not compute. Jon: It wouldn't for you. Drake: Okay, yes we are going out. Mary: About time. April: What does that mean? Jon: Let's just have lunch. Your uncle made us some nice food. Typhlosion: Ty. Drake: So, what are our plans? Jon: Not sure. I mean we still need to get to the next trial. Jon: Why don't we all do that. Jon: No!
en ed
  • Alola!
Title EN
  • The Cliff Of A View
en op
  • Alola!
  • TNC045
broadcast us
  • 2017-06-10
  • Man: Here you all go. April: Thanks Uncle Hershel. Hershel: Any time. Drake: I didn't know your Uncle lived here. April: I don't tell you everything. Jon: You two are more than just friends. Rotom-Dex: More than just friends? Mary: He means they like each other Rotom. Rotom-Dex: Does not compute. Jon: It wouldn't for you. Drake: Okay, yes we are going out. Mary: About time. April: What does that mean? Jon: Let's just have lunch. Your uncle made us some nice food. Typhlosion: Ty. Drake: So, what are our plans? Jon: Not sure. I mean we still need to get to the next trial. Mary: Yeah, but luckily, it isn't that far from here. April: Well, I'd like to spend time with my uncle today. Jon: Why don't we all do that. Drake: Okay, but this would mean we have a small time frame to get to the battle competition. Jon: It doesn't matter if we miss it. April: Thanks Jon. Hershel: Was that good? Mary: It was amazing thank you. Typhlosion: Typhlo! Jon: It takes a lot to impress Typhlosion with food. He loved it. Hershel: I'm happy to hear that. April: I'll help you wash up. Mary: I'll help too. Drake: Jon, how did you decide on your dream? Jon: I've always wanted to be a fire type gym leader. Drake: I see. I'm not sure what I want to do yet. Jon: You don't need to know right now. Jon: There are a lot of Pokemon to meet and trainers to battle and people to talk to. Drake: That's true, but I always thought of looking after Pokemon. Like a breeder I guess. Jon: Then, if you still want to, at the end of our journey come back to Hoenn with me and you can see how you like looking after Pokemon on my families ranch. Drake: Really? Jon: Really. Mum and Dad need some extra hands since there are a lot of Pokemon on the ranch. Considering trainers who give their Pokemon to professor Birch actually give them to us to look after. Drake: Thank you. I'd love that. Jon: Though now you are going out with April, you need to think what she wants to do too. Drake: Oh yeah. Drake: JON! Jake: That was close. Jon: Thank you. Jake: You need to be more careful. Jon: Yeah, sorry. Jon: I wonder what the next trial could hold. Drake: I have no idea. April: Are you okay Jon? Jon: Yeah, I'm good thanks. Drake: So, are we ready to head out again? April: Yeah. In a bit anyway. Jon: You guys! Mike: Now, Hidden Power! Gumshoos uses Hidden Power towards Jon. Typhlosion gets in the way but the force of Hidden Power sends Typhlosion flying off towards the nearby forest, along with two of Jon's Pokeballs, one of Drake's and one of April's Pokeballs. Jon: No! Narrator: With an encounter with Team Rocket at the end of their stay with Hershel, Team Rocket caused Jon's Pokemon, along with Drake's and April's Pokemon to go flying into the nearest forest. What is in the forest? Only time will tell.