  • Half-breed Thieves
  • Bestowal Dialogue: Your arrival is proof that Hunulf and Gadaric have found folk willing to assist us with our plight. That is enough to bring hope to the Eglain. A year hence, we lost a rich ruin to men from the least we thought they were Men. They bore the manner, height, and look of Men but were nearly as savage as the Orc-folk we learned they were descended from. Objective: The ruins of Naerost are just east of Weathertop, west of Ost Guruth. Collect 10 Lost Relics from piles of Ancient Artifacts. Reward: 4s 00c AND Quicksilver's Breastplate
  • Bestowal Dialogue: Your arrival is proof that Hunulf and Gadaric have found folk willing to assist us with our plight. That is enough to bring hope to the Eglain. A year hence, we lost a rich ruin to men from the least we thought they were Men. They bore the manner, height, and look of Men but were nearly as savage as the Orc-folk we learned they were descended from. Naerost, west of here, but far to the east of the great hill of Weathertop, fell to the half-breeds and our trade was lost with it. If we could recover some of those goods, we might restore trade with the west and some hope for Eglain. Will you help us sift through the ruins for our goods? Background: In the shadow of Amon Sûl, at the edge of Nain Enidh, lay an Arnorian ruin. Those ruins afforded the Eglain of Ost Guruth a wealth of material to trade with collectors in Bree-land...until the arrival of half-breeds from the South.. Objective: The ruins of Naerost are just east of Weathertop, west of Ost Guruth. A year ago, half-orcs wrested the ruins of Naerost from the Eglain, causing the Eglain to lose a valuable source of trade goods. Gestr Quicksilver has asked you to go to the ruins of Naerost and retrieve as many of the Eglain's lost relics as you can. Collect 10 Lost Relics from piles of Ancient Artifacts. Reward: 4s 00c AND Quicksilver's Breastplate