  • Azkul
  • Azkul
  • Azkul was a Human male from Thyferra who served as a commander for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
  • Azkul was a Sith veteran of the Jedi Civil War who later became a mercenary in the employ of the Exchange.
  • Azkul was a human male mercenary leader. He was also a former Sith trooper. He planned to take over Khoonda but his efforts were unsuccessful, thanks to the Jedi Exile and his/her efforts to stop the mercenaries, which led to him dying in the hands of the Exile. File:250px-Screenshot7.jpg
  • Azkul era un veterano de la Guerra Civil Jedi que después se convirtió en mercenario. Él sirvió a Darth Malak durante la guerra como un Comando Sith parte de un destacamento de Fuerzas Especiales Sith. Numerosos militares de ambos bandos de repente se encontraron sin trabajo al final de la Guerra Civil Jedi. Muchos de ellos, sin hogares a los cuales regresar, comenzaron a trabajar como mercenarios, incluyendo a Azkul. Él viajó a Dantooine y comenzó a planear el derrocamiento del legítimo gobierno de la República con su ejército de mercenarios.
  • His eyes, which had once been blue, had turned to a bright yellow with the taint of the dark side. Normally, was a polite person, but only because he had been raised so. He had fought in,many battles on his planet of Virgillia 7 during the civil war that seemed to be ever present. He wasn't new to taking lives, but instead was very keen on doing so if it would bring him anything worthwhile. His service record was not extraordinary, a little odd that entire units in which he was placed in were killed in combat and only he stood as the sole survivor, but nothing out of place really. At the end of the war, he had killed quite a few enemy soldiers, and at one point was in charge of a small platoon. He shot deserters, and took prisoners regularly. The rebels that had seceded from his government
  • Yellow
  • Negro
  • *Imperio Sith *Intercambio
  • 3951
  • Marksmanship and hand to hand combat
  • Ojo derecho azul, ojo izquierdo blanco
  • Masculino
  • Azkul
  • The Sith Empire
  • Blue
  • Blue right, white left
Full Name
  • Azkul
  • 20
  • *Sith Empire *Exchange *Azkul's mercenaries
  • *Confederacy of Independent Systems **Thyferran Riflemen *Separatist holdouts
  • Azkul
  • Azkul
  • Black
  • Dirty Blonde
  • Azkul
  • Azkul
  • Criminal
  • 175
  • N/A
  • 311.0
  • Sith Disciple
  • Азкул
  • Азкул
  • *Galactic Republic *Jedi Order
  • Criminal
  • Soldier
  • 250
  • Azkul
  • Azkul
  • Azkul
  • Sister
  • Father
  • Mother
  • Virgillia 7
  • N/A
  • 18
  • 3951
  • Azkul was a Human male from Thyferra who served as a commander for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
  • Azkul was a Sith veteran of the Jedi Civil War who later became a mercenary in the employ of the Exchange.
  • His eyes, which had once been blue, had turned to a bright yellow with the taint of the dark side. Normally, was a polite person, but only because he had been raised so. He had fought in,many battles on his planet of Virgillia 7 during the civil war that seemed to be ever present. He wasn't new to taking lives, but instead was very keen on doing so if it would bring him anything worthwhile. His service record was not extraordinary, a little odd that entire units in which he was placed in were killed in combat and only he stood as the sole survivor, but nothing out of place really. At the end of the war, he had killed quite a few enemy soldiers, and at one point was in charge of a small platoon. He shot deserters, and took prisoners regularly. The rebels that had seceded from his government died at the hands of his troops on a moderate basis. He was respected as a leader, and as a combatant, but he always desired that he could do more to harm the enemy. He always wished he had more men to throw at the enemy. For them to give their lives in his name. Azkul at once had an arranged marriage, but fell in love with the young girl. They were stationed in the same platoon for a tour of duty. They became separated during the war on Virgillia 7, and stayed so for five years. The girl was later found in a bomb shelter nestled next to an enemy of Azkul's forces. Azkul killed the enemy soldier immediately. He later went on to kill the girl as well.
  • Azkul era un veterano de la Guerra Civil Jedi que después se convirtió en mercenario. Él sirvió a Darth Malak durante la guerra como un Comando Sith parte de un destacamento de Fuerzas Especiales Sith. Numerosos militares de ambos bandos de repente se encontraron sin trabajo al final de la Guerra Civil Jedi. Muchos de ellos, sin hogares a los cuales regresar, comenzaron a trabajar como mercenarios, incluyendo a Azkul. Él viajó a Dantooine y comenzó a planear el derrocamiento del legítimo gobierno de la República con su ejército de mercenarios. En el 3.951 ABY fue contratado por el Intercambio para matar a la Administradora de Khoonda, Terena Adare, para que Dantooine pudiera ser usado para las actividades ilegales que solía emprender el sindicato criminal. Desafortunadamente para Azkul y sus mercenarios, la Jedi Exiliada y el Maestro Jedi Vrook Lamar se encontraban en el planeta. Azkul ordenó a un pequeño grupo capturar a Vrook (si bien Vrook mismo se dejó capturar para averiguar los planes de los mercenarios), aunque después fueron emboscados por la Exiliada y sus aliados. Cuando la Exiliada salió de la caverna de los cristales, Azkul trató de reclutarla, aunque ella se negó. Entonces el antiguo soldado Sith hizo que su grupo la combatiera, pero fueron fácilmente derrotados. En Khoonda la Exiliada y Vrook combinaron sus esfuerzos para motivar a los colonos y conformar una milicia más fuerte al reclutar a algunos de los mismos colonos, reparar los droides de combate y las torretas inactivos, y al mismo tiempo los reprogramaron para que fueran lo más dañinos, precisos y durables que se pudiera y que sólo atacaran a los atacantes (pues previamente habían atacado a todo lo que se moviera, incluso a algunos milicianos de Khoonda – que la Exiliada curó para que ayudaran cuando Khoonda fuera invadida). También reforzaron los campos minados alrededor del edificio administrativo, que causaron muchas bajas entre los mercenarios. La Exiliada también selló la puerta de la armería, lo que forzó a Azkul a atacar a través de la fuerza miliciana principal. Entre las minas, las torretas, los droides de combate y los motivados milicianos, al final sólo quedaron vivos Azkul, su hombre de confianza Dopak y unos 8 a 10 mercenarios para el asalto a la administradora, pero (por medio de Zherron y la Exiliada) Dopak traicionó a Azkul y éste fue muerto finalmente.
  • Azkul was a human male mercenary leader. He was also a former Sith trooper. He planned to take over Khoonda but his efforts were unsuccessful, thanks to the Jedi Exile and his/her efforts to stop the mercenaries, which led to him dying in the hands of the Exile. File:250px-Screenshot7.jpg
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