  • Midwinter's Day
  • Midwinter's Day was a religious and civil holiday throughout the Empire of Videssos. Phos' sun was at its lowest in the sky on the winter's solstice and the day was the shortest of the year giving rise to the impression that Skotos would be the victor leading to eternal darkness. Early in the morning of Midwinter's Day, Videssians went to the temples to praise Phos and worship him thus casting their lot with him. Thus strengthened, the sun would return, higher in the sky and for longer days.
  • Midwinter's Day was a religious and civil holiday throughout the Empire of Videssos. Phos' sun was at its lowest in the sky on the winter's solstice and the day was the shortest of the year giving rise to the impression that Skotos would be the victor leading to eternal darkness. Early in the morning of Midwinter's Day, Videssians went to the temples to praise Phos and worship him thus casting their lot with him. Thus strengthened, the sun would return, higher in the sky and for longer days. After religious services, Videssians celebrated with much eating and drinking. The day gave liberty to the people to behave contrary to custom. Some Priest of Phos disapproved, believing this gave license to inappropriate behaviour. True, it led to sins such as fornication (including by some supposed celibate priests) but the civil authorities tolerated it. Traditionally, large bonfires were lit in town squares and to drive out misfortune people would take turns jumping over the flames calling out "Burn, ill luck!" Also, the liberty of the day led to the formation of troupes of mimes to perform lampoons of everyday life and of the great and the powerful. These men found it best to not only tolerate such behaviour but to laugh twice as hard as anyone else at the mockery they received.