  • Darklighter Arrows
  • These poisonous arrows are fatal to Whitelighters and Whitelighter-Witches unless they are healed in time. The Elders are also vulnerable to the poison in the arrows, and remain in the Heavens to protect themselves from this threat. Other magical beings, such as witches, demons and Darklighters themselves are not affected by the poison, but may still be injured or vanquished by the physical impact of the arrow itself. However, powerful beings may resist the attack.
  • Darklighters
  • Arrows dipped in a poison lethal to Whitelighters
  • Used by Darklighters to kill their targets
  • These poisonous arrows are fatal to Whitelighters and Whitelighter-Witches unless they are healed in time. The Elders are also vulnerable to the poison in the arrows, and remain in the Heavens to protect themselves from this threat. Other magical beings, such as witches, demons and Darklighters themselves are not affected by the poison, but may still be injured or vanquished by the physical impact of the arrow itself. However, powerful beings may resist the attack. The poison in the arrows does not kill instantly, but kills Whitelighters in a slow and painful manner. Those infected by the poison are severely weakened and their magic is neutralized.