  • Find her by yourself
  • From: [[]] You don't need to waste money on bribery. How hard can it be to find one singing star in one theatre? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A secluded corridor
Failure title
  • Positively a labyrinth
  • 106
Failure description
  • The winding corridors of Mahogany Hall could be concealing a dozen princesses. Narrow, dark and confusing, they defy exploration. And as if it wasn't enough that you're lost, cobwebby and exhausted […]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Find the Kashmiri Princess
Success description
  • […] You try the time-honoured method of solving a maze - turning left every time you have a choice. And eventually, you find it. […] a glimpse of a beautiful Indian woman, swathed in a crimson sari, before the door closes. […]
Failure summary
  • Lost, and somehow you keep hearing that one d---ed song.
  • You don't need to waste money on bribery. How hard can it be to find one singing star in one theatre?
  • From: [[]] You don't need to waste money on bribery. How hard can it be to find one singing star in one theatre? [Find the rest of the story at ]