  • Golden Chi
  • Golden chi is a chi that is used for transforming the land. It is given to the winner of each month's chi race competition. Lavertus has more than 25 in just about 8 months. It can change the landscape automatically. It can only be obtained from Grand Arena competitions, in which Speedorz are pitted against each other. The victor has access to the Golden Chi. It is currently not being fought over, but could be somewhere along the line. ShadoWind once won the Golden Chi.
  • Each month, when the Chi Orbs are harvested, one special orb of Golden Chi is produced. Unlike regular Chi, Golden Chi never loses it power. Golden Chi also has the unique power to reshape and create elaborate structures from nothing. As one could guess, every tribe wants the Golden Chi. To keep things fair, the Lions hold a monthly race for it. The winner of the race keep the Golden Chi for their tribe. After episode 8, a new competitor by the name of ShadoWind has consistently won the Golden Chi.
  • Each month, when the Chi Orbs are harvested, one special orb of Golden Chi is produced. Unlike regular Chi, Golden Chi never loses it power. Golden Chi also has the unique power to reshape and create elaborate structures from nothing. As one could guess, every tribe wants the Golden Chi. To keep things fair, the Lions hold a monthly race for it. The winner of the race keep the Golden Chi for their tribe. Race day is an exciting day in Chima. Tribes come from all over to watch the races and shop in the marketplace that springs up every month. The most talented warrior in each tribe jumps on aSpeedor and tries to win the race. The Lions use the Golden Chi to create the racetrack each month. It's impossible to predict what kind of track the Golden Chi will form. Each racetrack is completely different, but there seems to be a standard template, such as a ramped track, a water-heavy track, and at least once, a track intended for jousting. After episode 8, a new competitor by the name of ShadoWind has consistently won the Golden Chi.
  • Golden chi is a chi that is used for transforming the land. It is given to the winner of each month's chi race competition. Lavertus has more than 25 in just about 8 months. It can change the landscape automatically. It can only be obtained from Grand Arena competitions, in which Speedorz are pitted against each other. The victor has access to the Golden Chi. It is currently not being fought over, but could be somewhere along the line. ShadoWind once won the Golden Chi.