  • YouTube
  • YouTube
  • Youtube
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  • YouTube
  • Youtube
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  • Youtube
  • Youtube
  • YouTube
  • Youtube
  • YouTube
  • YouTube
  • YouTube
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  • YouTube
  • YouTube
  • Youtube
  • Youtube
  • Youtube
  • penis
  • YouTube (to be known as SueTube, YouN00b, YouB00b or GoogleTube in the near future) is a popular free* video sharing web site which lets users upload, view, and share clips. Founded in February 2005 by three employees of PayPal, the service mutilates Adobe Flash technology in such a way that it displays video. The site claims to have a wide variety of content, including conspiracy theories, video game videos, AMV's, and fake celebrity sightings, as well as amateur content such as, well, you know, amateurs, doing...stuff.
  • YouTube, millor dita llutub (o yutubí)(o tutube) encara que l'hi sol cridar YoTuve... Que deixar de pujar videos, que la seva charnegotranslation seria una mica així com tu entubas (a saber quin), és una web dedicada a l'allotjament i retransmision de videos porno casolans per a ser compartits amb la resta d'usuaris. El seu lema és: "Retransmet-te en boles". Va Ser fundada a principis de 1792 per un parell de tipejos, un d'ells xinès i amb ulleres, que s'han tornat milionaris des que un cercador poc conegut cridat Guguel o tambien gugele els va comprar l'empresa per un parell d'accions, càmeres de foto digitals de 42 megapíxeles i un lloc de treball com senyora de la neteja en la calmi Majadahonda Guguel Headquakers IIII. thumb|250px|Si ell tambe penja a youtube
  • YouTube is a video sharing website which allows users to upload and share videos. Created in February 2005, YouTube is now owned and operated as a subsidiary of Google. The site hosts a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media companies including The Jim Henson Company, Sesame Workshop and The Muppets Studio have uploaded materials to the website.
  • Youtube is a public video sharing website that has featured many clips of The Goons.
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website. Lots of hockey videos have been posted to the site.
  • YouTube was a videohosting website on Earth's Internet. In 2020, Zoe Querez informed the crew of the USS Lewis & Clark that she had watched videos about zero gravity on YouTube before stowing away aboard the ship. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
  • This article covers YouTube search for language learners, and also has links to lists of linguistically tagged YouTube videos.
  • YouTube is a village on the outskirts of Vatican City. It is contained entirely inside an abandoned shopping mall, and researchers know little about it because there is no way in or out. Its main industry is canned food.
  • The official YouTube channel for Monty Python was launched around late 2008, although it is listed as having been active since January 13, 2006. The channel offers presumably the best quality clips from the shows, movies, and specials as well as exclusive content. In return, they encourage viewers to purchase their products, generally by clicking on a provided link to Amazon. As of April 14, 2012, the channel has at least 189,319 subscribers and 68 video clips that have at least 57,550,552 views.
  • YouTube is a tree bark only found in Antarctica. It contains many secrets in telling the Earth's past, such as when volcanoes errupted, when the Nazis attacked Hitler with birds, and when Go Diego Go! aired on Nickelodeon.
  • The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS and the BBC and other organizations offer some of their material via the site.The user SM3VENOM uploads his episodes of Lego Spider-Man The Series on YouTube.
  • YouTube – otwarty serwis internetowy umożliwiający prezentację filmów, wideoklipów lub własnych miniprodukcji w internecie, reklamujący się hasłem "Broadcast Yourself" (ang. dosł. Wyemituj siebie). Ma ogromne możliwości promowania oryginalnych postaci i przedsięwzięć. Powstał w lutym 2005 roku, zaczynał jako strona, której treścią były filmy przedstawiające kota autora. Obecnie jest największym serwisem udostępniającym takie usługi, a właściciele utworzyli spółkę YouTube, Inc. Według Google, dziennie na YouTube umieszczanych jest ponad 80 tys. filmów, zajmujących ok. 2400 GB ≈ 2,4 TB.
  • YouTube is a website just for people to upload video onto. This includes Flash, so it is one of Newgrounds's rivals on the internet. Many submissions from Newgrounds get put onto YouTube, either by the author reaching out to a wider audience, or someone else picking it up and copying it. Many authors have become satisfied with their work being put onto YouTube after the Newgrounds Channel was made as long as it would be in some way associated with the channel.
  • My best drops for ArteroPk include Santa Hat my third TDS kill, a Farseer Kite my first TDS kill, and a korasi my first Wrym kill!
  • YouTube is a site notable because Mathers chose to upload the Neurotically Yours series there (along with his other animations) on July 22, 2009.
  • Youtube is the video sharing website that almost all of video game reviewers use, due to it's ease of uploading and abundance of Youtubers. However, the ones that leave generally do so because Viacom feels that they've stolen something of theirs in a review, something as mundane as a clip of Family Guy, for example. Despite usages of these kinds of 'breaches' of copyright, that are protected by fair use, however, those that are suspended for them rarely decide to fight against them, and move to another video sharing website with nobody there. TheGamingGoose ridiculed some reviewers methods of this, as he pointed out, most who leave simply come back because nobody will watch their videos offsite, as they can't generate revenue/subscribers/ego.
  • A website.
  • видеохостинг, предоставляющий пользователям услуги хранения, доставки, показа и монетизации видео * Страница 0 - краткая статья * Страница 1 - энциклопедическая статья * Разное - на страницах: 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 * Прошу вносить вашу информацию в «YouTube 1», чтобы сохранить ее
  • Mentioned in 2 Girls. 1 Cup. 6 Senses (Josh dies).
  • YouTube(유튜브)는 Google에서 서비스하는 動映像共有사이트. 世界各國에서 여러가지의 動映像이 投稿되고 있다.
  • Rewrite Page.
  • YouTube — საიტი, სადაც არ შეიძლება პორნოების დადება. მასზე არ დევს პორნო-ვიდეოები, სამაგიეროდ ახალგაზრდობა მონდომებით ისვრის ლანძღვებს ყველა მიმართულებით. ერთი მხრივ, საიტი მოსახერხებელია - მასზე ნებისმიერი ჟანრის ვიდეოს ხილვა შეიძლება (პორნოს გარდა, თუმცა ეგეც იპარება ხოლმე), მეორე მხრივ კი - ზედმეტად მონოპოლისტურია.
  • The forbidden realm of shooters and RickRolling.
  • YouTube (pronuncia giornalistica: "IU TIUB", pronuncia comune: "IUTUBB") è la prima invenzione dell'uomo riguardante internet il cui contenuto non sia la pornografia.
  • YouTube is a 2005 website with YouTube videos
  • [1] []
  • YouTube is a website where users can upload videos. The official website is located at [1]. YouTube is the main website people upload RuneScape music videos to. Many well-known video makers have an account on YouTube and regularly upload videos. This article is a . You can help the RuneScape music video wiki by expanding it.
  • YouTube (po polsku Twoja Tuba) - serwis z darmowymi filmikami uzupełniający się z Wujkiem Google (który go kiedyś kupił), Ciocią Wikipedią oraz Facebookiem. Filmiki z YouTube charakteryzują się wielką prędkością, jednakże nie ładowania filmów lecz wkurzeniem ludzi, którzy chcą obejrzeć dany filmik.
  • Youtube, более известный как ты труба (возможно тубус) — продукт вселенского заговора, призванный развратить умы Россиян и жителей СНГ, распространяя западную, сталинистскую, коммунистическую, фашистскую, нацистскую, хреновую и другие пропаганды.thumb|Убьём Ты Трубу
  • Youtube (przez większość osób nazywana "jutubem")-to strona internetowa, na której dodaje się różnorakie filmiki. Używana jest zarówno przez kosmitów, jak i ludzi.
  • YouTube este un Site Web unde utilizatorii pot încărca și viziona materiale audio-video.
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website where people can upload, view, and share videos. YouTube was founded by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for US$1.65 billion, and now operates as a subsidiary of Google.
  • thumb Youtube es un sitio web en el cual los usuarios pueden subir y compartir vídeos. Aloja una variedad de clips de películas, programas de televisión y vídeos musicales, así como contenidos amateur como videoblogs.
  • YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States. The service was created by three former PayPal employees Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in February 2005. The link is located in this.
  • Am 9. Oktober 2006 wurde YouTube für 1,65 Milliarden US-Dollar (1,31 Milliarden Euro) von Google gekauft. YouTube steht auf dem 3. Platz des Alexa Rankings der meistbesuchten Webseiten weltweit, in Deutschland belegt YouTube den 5. Platz. Der Offizielle Kanal von YouTube auf YouTube ist YouTube Spotlight, welcher jedoch mit über 22 Millionen Abonnenten, nur der zweit meist abonnierte Kanal weltweit ist.
  • YouTube is a video-hosting service created by Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, and Steve Chen, three former PayPal employees. It was launched on February 14, 2005, and was bought by Google Inc. in October 2006 for $1.65 billion.
  • Several people have posted videos on Youtube about Nethack. As of January 2010, there are well over 700. There are musical videos, parodies and other fan material as well as lots of gameplay excerpts. A few people have diligently chronicled their repeated attempts to ascend with the Amulet. The some main series include...
  • YouTube is an online video sharing site. It launched in 2005. "Weird Al" has an account on it. His account is "alyankovic" .
  • YouTube was the biggest hologram display during the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, its headquarters were in the place that self-destructs, so it was shut down when it was destroyed. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • 优吐比是一个因特网网站,让使用者上载、观看及分享各种未必合法的影片。它是一个可供网民上载观看及分享AV的网站,至今已成为同类型网站的翘楚,并造就多位网上名女优男优和激发激情创作。2006年10月9日,邪恶的大财阀Google公司以16.5亿美元恶意并购了优吐比网站。YouTube表面上禁止用戶上載有版權與色情內容的短片。近期號稱可以撥放1080P畫質的AV影片,以吸引更多的癡漢人來觀賞。 该网站于2008年被邪恶的共惨党员隔离在防火长城外,大陆地区的乡民再也看不到youtube了(除非你穿墙)。
  • YouTube, LLC(ユーチューブ)はアメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州サンブルノにある企業で、インターネットで動画共有サービスを行っている。
  • Founded in February 2005, YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. YouTube is a video hosting service bought by Google in 2006. It has since become the largest and busiest video hosting site on the Internet. It hosts over 200,000,000 videos, with an additional 250,000+ being uploaded every day.
  • YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. The service was created by three former PayPal employees — Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim — in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.
  • YouTube is a video sharing website that was founded in 2005. It has become a giant platform since and has literal billions and billions of users. It is where all Barney Bunch videos are posted, following the Speakonia Community getting technically banned from Newgrounds.
  • YouTube ist ein am 15. Februar 2005 von den drei ehemaligen PayPal-Mitarbeitern Chad Hurley, Steve Chen und Jawed Kari gegründetes Videoportal mit Sitz in San Bruno, Kalifornien, auf dem die Benutzer kostenlos Video-Clips ansehen und hochladen können.
  • YouTube is a mobile adaptation of the titular video service. Looking for some entertainment? Now you can watch videos right from your mobile device. YouTube for mobile means having millions of videos right in your pocket. * Browse millions of videos from your phone. * Access your favorites, your own uploaded videos and your favorite channels. * Share, rate, and comment on videos from your phone. * Upload videos from your phone.
  • Youtube is a site where you upload and watch videos. It can be about comedy, romance, role-playing, video games, or anything you like.
  • Ah YouTube. The world's most popular video site. Nothing needs to be said that isn't known. Usually you can find cat videos, YouTube Poops, generic pop videos with hundreds of millions of views, overzealous copyrights, comment sections that make you question humanity, name it.
  • Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | This page lists information regarding the Gravel campaign on YouTube
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website that has been online since February 2005. Many YouTube channels and users post videos related to the Civilization games (including Let's Plays and live streams), among which donald23, quill18, and SBFMadDjinn are some of the best-known.
  • Youtube is a social website, (), where people can upload video content and respond to others videos, via the medium of likes and comments. See the articles that use the with the user param they are put into , and people who have been notified are put in
  • (Inserte definición de YouTube aquí): Reglas de la lista: * ss
  • Confinc Studios uploads all thier videos to youtube, to watch them click the link
  • Welkom op de YouTube pagina. Er kunnen hier video's geplaats worden van Youtube. Lees voordat je een video plaats wel eerst de regels!
  • YouTube is a video sharing website created in February 14, 2005, by former paypall employees Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, stationed in San Bruno, California, United States. In November 2006 YouTube was bought out by Google for $1.65 Billion. YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, and comment on videos.
  • Youtube is the world's most popular streaming video site, and is understandably also very popular on Board 8. Check out the profile pages below to watch "interesting" videos from your favorite B8ers, or just to make a new friend on youtube.
  • YouTube wiki è la wiki non ufficiale in italiano dell'omonima piattaforma di video sharing. La wiki contiene informazioni riguardanti youtubers italiani e stranieri, format e webserie.
  • YouTube wiki è la wiki non ufficiale in italiano dell'omonima piattaforma di video sharing. La wiki contiene informazioni riguardanti youtubers italiani e stranieri, format e webserie.
  • Many of our players have deemed themselves worthy of the youtuber rank on the forums;they actively upload videos and are now featured. The following are youtubers, you can click on their names to visit their channels. * Take Over/Aytz * Cppo * Duggie * Alacrity * Hypnotic * Bruce Lee
  • Our medium. Elliott used to publish his video blogs on this site. He hasn't done this in over a year.
  • Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users at least 18 years old. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion, and now operates as a subsidiary of Google.
  • "Founded in 2005, YouTube is an online video hosting service that enables users to share their personal and original video clips across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs and electronic mail. The service hosts hundreds of millions of video clips and its vast range of content includes forums for political candidates, reportings from remote war zones like Darfur, stand-up routines, drunken ramblings, backyard science projects to delivery room footage. YouTube has a global audience of tens of millions of people and is the number one video site on the Internet. Users upload new clips to YouTube's video hosting website every day."
  • YouTube (Aussprache [ oder ]) ist ein Internet-Videoportal der Google Inc. mit Sitz in San Bruno, Kalifornien, auf dem die Benutzer kostenlos Video-Clips ansehen, bewerten und hochladen können. Auf der Internetpräsenz befinden sich Film- und Fernseh­ausschnitte, Musikvideos sowie selbstgedrehte Filme. Sogenannte „Video-Feeds“ bzw. „Vlogs“ können in Blogs gepostet oder auch einfach auf Webseiten über eine Programmierschnittstelle (API) eingebunden werden.
  • Were you looking for: * Alicia Keys * Phyllis Hyman * DarkMatter2525 * Tamia
  • YouTube is one of the most popular websites on the World-Wide Web. YouTube is a channel where subscribers post videos, you probably already know that. YouTube videos range from downright amateur through to awesome professional and all interests that can be broadcast legally appear to be covered. There are many good atheist videos on YouTube.
  • On October 30th, 2014, an official Smurfs YouTube channel was created specifically for broadcasting all the episodes of the Smurfs cartoon show, sing-along songs, movie trailers and other Smurfs-related media in over 40 languages through its partnership with I.M.P.S. Licensing, ODMedia, and Expoza. They also have The Smurfs And The Magic Flute, the 2011 Smurfs movie, and The Smurfs 2 available for rental streaming.
  • YouTube is a website where you can upload videos, and is known for YouTube Poops, which often have Mario, Luigi, and The King in it doing randumb things. The site claims to have a wide variety of content, including videos of conspiracy theories, video game videos, AMV's, and fake celebrity sightings, as well as amateur content such as, well, you know, amateurs, doing... stuff. About 90% of the videos contain copyright material, and that sometimes leads to trouble
  • YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. YouTube was created in mid-February 2005 by three former PayPal employees. The San Bruno-based service uses Adobe Flash technology to display a wide variety of video content, including movie clips, TV clips and music videos, as well as amateur content such as videoblogging and short original videos. In October 2006, Google Inc. announced that it had reached a deal to acquire the company for US$1.65 billion in Google stock. The deal closed on November 13, 2006.
  • The Star Trek phenomenon too has benefited from the website, as it allows collectors to share clippings which otherwise, aside from the above mentioned examples, would have been relegated to oblivion; these items are mostly of a (semi-)promotional nature, usually recorded in the VHS-era (the quality reflected as such on YouTube), and included items such as The Original Series "blooper reels", The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, ILM Special Visual Effects, Star Trek The Next Generation, The Star Trek Logs: An MTV Big Picture Special Edition and To Boldly Go.
  • YouTube is een website voor het kosteloos uploaden, bekijken en delen van videofilmpjes door gebruikers. Het motto van deze website is YouTube, Broadcast Yourself. De uploader kan de film voorzien van tags (trefwoorden) die een niet-hiërarchische classificering mogelijk maken (folksonomie). Deze site is opgericht in februari 2005 door drie voormalige medewerkers van PayPal. De website is momenteel eigendom van Google Inc.. Elk jaar wordt de YouTube Award toegekend aan de makers van een aantal populaire filmpjes.
  • با سلامدوست عزيزم نرگس مرسي برنامه بسيار جالبي بود لازمه بدوني علاقه بسيار زيادي به شنيدن برنامه هاي تحقيقاتي وپروژه هاي ناسا دارم وشنيدن برنامت برام خيلي لذت بخش بود من جمله خبر كشف اقيانوس عظيم آب به وسعت 140 ضربدر 10 به توان 12 برابر كره زمين واقعا تن آدمو مي لرزونه . نرگس جان با توجه به بك گراندت در حال حاضر خيلي خوشحال مي شم هرازگاهي به تهيه بر نامه هايي در قالب تشريح آخرين دست آوردهاي ناسا . تشريح ساختار سازماني ناسا وپروژه هاي تحقيقاتي اون و اطلاعاتي كه به نظرتون جالب مي اد و ما ازش بي خبريم براي ما برنامه تهيه كني . راستي نرگس جان تصادفا به مطلبي برخوردم كه برام جالب بود ونوشته بود بيش از 200 نفر از كارمندهاي ناسا ايراني هستند آيا واقعيت داره ؟مطلب بعدي اينكه نرگس جان يادته در برنامه هاي گذشته كامنت گذاشته بودي كه دوست داري شنونده ها نظراشون اعلام كنن ودر جوابت يه كامنت گذاشته بودم
  • YouTube is a video hosting service created by former PayPal employees Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in 2005. It was acquired by Google in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion and continues to operate as one of Google's subsidiaries. The site allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, and comment on videos, and it makes use of WebM, H.265/MPEG-4 AVC, and Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated and media videos. Available content includes but is not limited to video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers, video blogs (vlogs), short original videos, and educational videos.
  • Youtube (počuj: jútub, rozumej: tvojarúra a/alebo tytrúba) je to drbnutá internetová stránka na vyhľadávanie ešte drbnutejších videí. V roku 2005 ju založil Chad Hurley. Prvé video na Jútúb nahral jeho spoluzakladateľ Jawed Karim. Je tam dodnes. Má názov „Me at the zoo“, trvá 19 sekúnd a má takmer 17 miliónov preklikov. V novembri 2006 túto stránku kúpil gúgeľ.
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, view and share videos. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos. Youtube is currently the biggest video site ever.
  • YouTube; — «ты», «вы» — «труба», жарг. англ. — «телевизор»; произносится как «Ютуб» или «Ютьюб») — видеохостинг, предоставляющий пользователям услуги хранения, доставки, показа и монетизации видео. Пользователи могут загружать, просматривать, оценивать, комментировать и делиться теми или иными видеозаписями. Благодаря простоте и удобству использования YouTube стал популярнейшим видеохостингом и вторым сайтом в мире по количеству посетителей. В январе 2012 ежедневное количество просмотров видео на сайте достигло 4 млрд. На сайте представлены фильмы, музыкальные клипы, трейлеры, новости, образовательные передачи, а также любительские видеозаписи, включая видеоблоги, слайд-шоу, юмористические видеоролики и прочее. По данным «Российской газеты» в апреле 2013 года 2 % аудитории сервиса, или 51
  • In preparing the big game media franchise that Monster High was to be, Mattel set up a Monster High YouTube account on September 25, 2007. It was put to use on May 5, 2010, the day the franchise launched. TV specials are not uploaded on the YouTube channel. The one exception is "New Ghoul @ School", which was uploaded on April 4, 2011, almost a year after the DVD hit stores with the Dawn of the Dance dolls. Also not uploaded are the three 2011 promotional webisodes made for the exclusive multipacks sold by Walmart, Toys"R"Us, and Target.
  • 14th February 2005: The domain "youtube (dot) com" is bought, and is based above a pizzeria in San Bruno, CA! 23rd April 2005: First vid uploaded, titled "Me at the zoo"! 11th April 2006: Deals with Google started, to buy YouTube so that the 3 founders could be let off from all the companies filing complaints TO THE FOUNDERS for copyrighted stuff that USERS uploaded (for some reason). 10th October 2006: Google buys YouTube for $1.65Billion! 18th November 2006: HQ for Youtube changed from pizzeria to a tri-square -looking building, also in San Bruno, CA!
  • YouTube - Die neue Art der Sebstkonservierung. Was im alten Ägypten nur den Reichen und Mächtigen zustand, ist jetzt für jedermann möglich: Dein Selbst - deine Seele - für die Ewigkeit konserviert, in der Tube. Aber es gibt Rettung! - Denn seitdem Jesus sich für die Sünden der Welt geopfert hat, ist der Satan ein für allemahl besiegt. Du kannst jederzeit zu ihm kommen und ihm Dein Herz ausschütten. Er wird jede Seele aus ihrer Tube befreien, die aufrichtig an Ihn glaubt und bereut.
  • YouTube was created on February 14, 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, three former PayPal employees. The first video uploaded is, Me at the zoo that shows co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo uploaded April 23, 2005 and still viewable. On November 13, 2006 YouTube was purchased by Google for $1.65 billion. On November 12, 2014 YouTube launched YouTube Red a paid subscription service that removes ads from all YouTube videos, the ability to watch videos offline on mobile devices, access to ad free music streaming through Google Play Music, and access to "YouTube Red Original" series and films.
  • YouTube es una plataforma de íideos compartidos con sede en San Bruno, California. El servicio fue creado por tres antiguos empleados de PayPal en febrero de 2005. En noviembre de 2006, fue comprado por Google por 1,65 billones de dólares. YouTube opera ahora como una subsidiaria de Google. Los usuarios de Wii U y New Nintendo 3DS pueden ver vídeos de Youtube gracias a sus navegadores de Internet. Sin embargo, el Navegador de Internet de Nintendo 3DS, no permite verlos. Categoría:Aplicaciones
  • Hip hop videos, playlists and groups feature extensively on YouTube, and it has served as a platform both for already established and up-and-coming artists and groups to reach a wider, Internet-based audience as well as for unknown, novice users to publish and collaborate on original or remixed/mashed-up hiphop material. Among DJs and fans of the "chopped and screwed" subculture, YouTube is often re-billed as "ScrewTube".
  • Youtube und Schule sind meist über Horrormeldungen ins Gerede gekommen: Schüler prügeln sich und stellens ins Internet, oder sie nehmen Lehrer in mehr oder weniger unvorteilhaften Situationen auf. Aber soll der Missbrauch den sinnhaften Gebrauch ausschließen? Es gibt schon eine ganze Reihe von Beispielen wie selbstgedrehte Videos in Youtube eingestellt und für die Unterrichtspraxis genutzt werden können. Bei erhalten Sie eine gute Übersicht, auch gibt es dort ein gutes Diskussionsforum! --kuhnuniwiki 12:46, 21. Jun. 2009 (UTC) -- 20:16, 26. Jun. 2009 (UTC)
  • In November 2006, it was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion. YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries. The site allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report and comment on videos, and it makes use of WebM, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, and Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated and corporate media videos. Available content includes video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers and other content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.
  • Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, but media corporations including CBS, the BBC, Vevo, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via YouTube, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, and registered users can upload videos to their channels. Videos considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users affirming themselves to be at least 18 years old. YouTube, LLC was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion in November 2006 and now operates as a Google subsidiary.
  • O YouTube é um website que permite que seus usuários carreguem e compartilhem vídeos em formato digital. Foi fundado em fevereiro de 2005 por três pioneiros do PayPal, um famoso site da internet ligado a gerenciamento de transferência de fundos. A revista norte-americana Time (edição de 13 de novembro de 2006) elegeu o YouTube a melhor invenção do ano por, entre outros motivos, “criar uma nova forma para milhões de pessoas se entreterem, se educarem e se chocarem de uma maneira como nunca foi vista.
  • The first video posted on YouTube that wasn't a clip from Family Guy or of someone's pathetic dancing was Birth of a Nation, which was posted on November 30, 2005. This clip featured innovations such as deep focus, the jump-cut, and facial close-ups, all of which had previously been lacking from YouTube's original creations. On the other hand, this clip was criticized for being horribly racist, although many critics note that this was the prevailing attitude of the times. This was hugely influential on subsequent videos for its technical innovations, if not for its racism (although it did foreshadow the Censored Eleven and the Michael Richards race rant.) Meanwhile, literally tens of people were joining the online extravaganza. These users quickly got to work mimicing others an
  • Youtube est un prophète qui prêche la liberté d'expression via les vidéos. Pour toi, voici un exemple qui devrait t'occuper cinq minutes : Image:Youtube.gif Passer la résolution de 240 à 360 pixels pour rendre le chargement plus rapide Youtube a aussi eu la fabuleuse idée d'aller pourrir la vie privée du Roi d'Hyrule et ses amis en divulguant des Youtube Poops.
  • YouTube (pronunciado "iutub") es un sitio web que permite a los usuarios compartir vídeos digitales a través de Internet e incluso, permite a los músicos novatos y experimentados dar a conocer sus vídeos al mundo. Pertenece a la Web 2.0. Fue fundado en febrero de 2005 por tres antiguos empleados de PayPal: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen y Jawed Karim. YouTube es propiedad de Google, desde su compra, el 10 de octubre de 2006 por 1.650 millones de dólares.
  • Deutsch, 61 weitere
  • 7597411
  • 4.700000
nombre solicitado
Row 4 info
  • Video Sharing
  • Questo articolo andrà in onda in streaming per venire incontro alla scadente filosofia di YouTube e per mortificare la vostra scarsa potenza di download.
  • США: Сан-Бруно, Калифорния
  • 200
Row 1 info
  • 2005-02-14
  • Дочернее общество компании Google
Super Jump
  • Unknown
  • Yes
  • No
Row 4 title
  • Type of site
Most Viewed Video
  • 200
  • 2005-02-15
Channel Trailer
Row 2 info
  • Chad Hurley
  • Jawed Karim
  • Steve Chen
Row 1 title
  • Launched
Row 2 title
  • Founders
Join Date
  • Feburary 14, 2005
Row 3 info
  • 901
Row 3 title
  • Headquarters
Box Title
  • YouTube
  • youtube
  • Servicios de Internet
location country
  • United States
  • Wiki
  • Wiki
  • Google AdSense
  • Active
  • 2005-02-14
company slogan
  • Broadcast Yourself
  • Web, Android, iOS
other media
  • YouTube
  • YouTube
  • Entertainment
  • Social Network, Video Hosting
  • Video-hosting service
  • Screenshot of YouTube's homepage
  • |0 = Luigi fighting Mario on KarrotKonvoy's version |1 = Captain America fighting Iron Man on KarrotKonvoy's version
  • YouTube logo
Area served
  • Worldwide
  • ja
  • white
  • red
Current status
  • Active
location city
  • 901
  • California
  • 54
  • s
  • 2005-02-14
  • 240
Company Name
  • YouTube, LLC
Key people
  • Storm
  • YouTube
  • Youtubepedia es la comunidad dedicada a la conocida red social de vídeos.
  • 2012-07-25
  • Free
  • Whenever needed
  • YouTube
  • Optional
  • Yes
  • Privada
  • YouTube
  • Internet
Website Type
  • Lawliet JSP
  • Chad Hurley, Steve Chen und Jawed Karim
  • Стив Чен, Чад Хёрли, Джавед Карим
  • Over 1 billion users
  • YouTube.png
company type
  • Subsidiary of Google, limited liability company
  • Google
  • Independent
  • Low
  • 3
programming language
  • 22000000
  • Activa
  • Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim
  • 250
  • 270
  • Variety
Launch date
  • 2005-02-14
  • 2005-02-14
  • Google
parent companies
  • Independent , Google
  • Broadcast Yourself
Sitio web
  • Wiki Youtube Pedia
company logo
  • 200
  • 14
  • Chad Hurley, CEO
  • Jawed Karim, Consejero
  • Steve Chen, CTO
wikipage disambiguates
  • 100.0
  • Google-Konto optional
  • 70
  • 2005-02-14
  • penis
  • YouTube (to be known as SueTube, YouN00b, YouB00b or GoogleTube in the near future) is a popular free* video sharing web site which lets users upload, view, and share clips. Founded in February 2005 by three employees of PayPal, the service mutilates Adobe Flash technology in such a way that it displays video. The site claims to have a wide variety of content, including conspiracy theories, video game videos, AMV's, and fake celebrity sightings, as well as amateur content such as, well, you know, amateurs, doing...stuff.
  • YouTube, millor dita llutub (o yutubí)(o tutube) encara que l'hi sol cridar YoTuve... Que deixar de pujar videos, que la seva charnegotranslation seria una mica així com tu entubas (a saber quin), és una web dedicada a l'allotjament i retransmision de videos porno casolans per a ser compartits amb la resta d'usuaris. El seu lema és: "Retransmet-te en boles". Va Ser fundada a principis de 1792 per un parell de tipejos, un d'ells xinès i amb ulleres, que s'han tornat milionaris des que un cercador poc conegut cridat Guguel o tambien gugele els va comprar l'empresa per un parell d'accions, càmeres de foto digitals de 42 megapíxeles i un lloc de treball com senyora de la neteja en la calmi Majadahonda Guguel Headquakers IIII. thumb|250px|Si ell tambe penja a youtube
  • YouTube is a video sharing website which allows users to upload and share videos. Created in February 2005, YouTube is now owned and operated as a subsidiary of Google. The site hosts a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media companies including The Jim Henson Company, Sesame Workshop and The Muppets Studio have uploaded materials to the website.
  • Youtube is a public video sharing website that has featured many clips of The Goons.
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website. Lots of hockey videos have been posted to the site.
  • In November 2006, it was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion. YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries. The site allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report and comment on videos, and it makes use of WebM, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, and Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated and corporate media videos. Available content includes video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers and other content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, but media corporations including CBS, the BBC, Vevo, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via YouTube, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos on the site, but registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos and add comments to videos. Videos deemed potentially offensive are available only to registered users affirming themselves to be at least 18 years old. In July 2016, the website was ranked as the second most popular site by Alexa Internet, a web traffic analysis company. YouTube earns advertising revenue from Google AdSense, a program which targets ads according to site content and audience. The vast majority of its videos are free to view, but there are exceptions, including subscription-based premium channels, film rentals, as well as YouTube Red, a subscription service offering ad-free access to the website and access to exclusive content made in partnership with existing users.
  • Youtube est un prophète qui prêche la liberté d'expression via les vidéos. Pour toi, voici un exemple qui devrait t'occuper cinq minutes : Image:Youtube.gif Passer la résolution de 240 à 360 pixels pour rendre le chargement plus rapide Grâce à Youtube, vous pouvez voir la nouvelle génération des étoiles de demain de la chanson. Avec eux, la Star Academy n'a qu'à bien se tenir. Les nouveaux nominés sont : Bilou du 92 surnommé « Arète ! Arète ! avec ta tête de con », Amandine, la pauvre rappeuse du 38, ou encore le nouveau single gay de Patrick Sébastien (il pense qu'il faudrait qu'il la ferme et il a raison ! [1])... Youtube a aussi eu la fabuleuse idée d'aller pourrir la vie privée du Roi d'Hyrule et ses amis en divulguant des Youtube Poops.
  • YouTube was a videohosting website on Earth's Internet. In 2020, Zoe Querez informed the crew of the USS Lewis & Clark that she had watched videos about zero gravity on YouTube before stowing away aboard the ship. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
  • This article covers YouTube search for language learners, and also has links to lists of linguistically tagged YouTube videos.
  • YouTube is a village on the outskirts of Vatican City. It is contained entirely inside an abandoned shopping mall, and researchers know little about it because there is no way in or out. Its main industry is canned food.
  • The official YouTube channel for Monty Python was launched around late 2008, although it is listed as having been active since January 13, 2006. The channel offers presumably the best quality clips from the shows, movies, and specials as well as exclusive content. In return, they encourage viewers to purchase their products, generally by clicking on a provided link to Amazon. As of April 14, 2012, the channel has at least 189,319 subscribers and 68 video clips that have at least 57,550,552 views.
  • YouTube is a tree bark only found in Antarctica. It contains many secrets in telling the Earth's past, such as when volcanoes errupted, when the Nazis attacked Hitler with birds, and when Go Diego Go! aired on Nickelodeon.
  • The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS and the BBC and other organizations offer some of their material via the site.The user SM3VENOM uploads his episodes of Lego Spider-Man The Series on YouTube.
  • با سلامدوست عزيزم نرگس مرسي برنامه بسيار جالبي بود لازمه بدوني علاقه بسيار زيادي به شنيدن برنامه هاي تحقيقاتي وپروژه هاي ناسا دارم وشنيدن برنامت برام خيلي لذت بخش بود من جمله خبر كشف اقيانوس عظيم آب به وسعت 140 ضربدر 10 به توان 12 برابر كره زمين واقعا تن آدمو مي لرزونه . نرگس جان با توجه به بك گراندت در حال حاضر خيلي خوشحال مي شم هرازگاهي به تهيه بر نامه هايي در قالب تشريح آخرين دست آوردهاي ناسا . تشريح ساختار سازماني ناسا وپروژه هاي تحقيقاتي اون و اطلاعاتي كه به نظرتون جالب مي اد و ما ازش بي خبريم براي ما برنامه تهيه كني . راستي نرگس جان تصادفا به مطلبي برخوردم كه برام جالب بود ونوشته بود بيش از 200 نفر از كارمندهاي ناسا ايراني هستند آيا واقعيت داره ؟مطلب بعدي اينكه نرگس جان يادته در برنامه هاي گذشته كامنت گذاشته بودي كه دوست داري شنونده ها نظراشون اعلام كنن ودر جوابت يه كامنت گذاشته بودم كه بعضي ها شايد فرصت نكنند ودر وضعيتي باشند كه نتونند براي همه برنامه ها كامنت بگذارند ونظر بدند حالا اين اتفاق چند وقتيه براي خود من پيش اومده و بدليل مهاجرت از محل زندگي قبليم و نداشتن فرصت به اندازه كافي و يكم محدوديت شغلي گاها نمي تونم كامنت بزارم (اين موضوع را در ايميلي و درقالب يه greeting براي ادمين محترم سايت هم نوشته بودم) ولي هر هفته برنامه ها رادانلود كرده ودر مسير حركت به محل كار مي شنوم و اميدوارم در آينده با برنامه ريزي وزمانبندي بهتر بتونم همچون گذشته علاوه بر همكاري با راديو در بخش نظرات هم بيشتر فعال باشم . توي فيس بوك هم بدليل فرصت كم وهمچنين پايين بودن سرعت بدليل فيلترينگ خيلي فعال نيستم اما به هر حال خوشحال خواهم شد شما وبقيه همكاران قديمي راديو كه ارادت خاصي بهشون دارم در اونجا هم مارا دريابيد وهرازگاهي و بندرت چاق سلامتي داشته باشيم.براي همگي آرزوي موفقيت كرده واميدوارم اين رسانه اي كه ادمين عزيز سايت در سال 84 راهش انداخته تا ساليان سال ادامه پيدا كنه و ما مفتخر به شنيدن برنامه هاي راديو در هر هفته باشيم .
  • YouTube – otwarty serwis internetowy umożliwiający prezentację filmów, wideoklipów lub własnych miniprodukcji w internecie, reklamujący się hasłem "Broadcast Yourself" (ang. dosł. Wyemituj siebie). Ma ogromne możliwości promowania oryginalnych postaci i przedsięwzięć. Powstał w lutym 2005 roku, zaczynał jako strona, której treścią były filmy przedstawiające kota autora. Obecnie jest największym serwisem udostępniającym takie usługi, a właściciele utworzyli spółkę YouTube, Inc. Według Google, dziennie na YouTube umieszczanych jest ponad 80 tys. filmów, zajmujących ok. 2400 GB ≈ 2,4 TB.
  • YouTube is een website voor het kosteloos uploaden, bekijken en delen van videofilmpjes door gebruikers. Het motto van deze website is YouTube, Broadcast Yourself. De uploader kan de film voorzien van tags (trefwoorden) die een niet-hiërarchische classificering mogelijk maken (folksonomie). Deze site is opgericht in februari 2005 door drie voormalige medewerkers van PayPal. De website is momenteel eigendom van Google Inc.. In juli 2006 werden er zo'n 65.000 filmpjes per dag op deze site gezet en volgens de site zouden er meer dan 100 miljoen filmpjes per dag bekeken worden. Volgens een artikel in de The Wall Street Journal in augustus 2006 telde de website destijds 6,1 miljoen video's, die een totale opslagruimte van circa 45 terabyte tellen. Het bestbekeken filmpje is in totaal al meer dan 100 miljoen keer bekeken. Sommige beginnende artiesten hebben hun groeiende populariteit zelfs te danken aan hun video's op YouTube. De Nederlandse Esmée Denters is een goed voorbeeld, enkele platenmaatschappijen in de Verenigde Staten zijn vanwege de populariteit van haar videoclips op YouTube in 2007 met haar in gesprek gegaan. Elk jaar wordt de YouTube Award toegekend aan de makers van een aantal populaire filmpjes.
  • YouTube is a website just for people to upload video onto. This includes Flash, so it is one of Newgrounds's rivals on the internet. Many submissions from Newgrounds get put onto YouTube, either by the author reaching out to a wider audience, or someone else picking it up and copying it. Many authors have become satisfied with their work being put onto YouTube after the Newgrounds Channel was made as long as it would be in some way associated with the channel.
  • My best drops for ArteroPk include Santa Hat my third TDS kill, a Farseer Kite my first TDS kill, and a korasi my first Wrym kill!
  • YouTube is a site notable because Mathers chose to upload the Neurotically Yours series there (along with his other animations) on July 22, 2009.
  • Youtube is the video sharing website that almost all of video game reviewers use, due to it's ease of uploading and abundance of Youtubers. However, the ones that leave generally do so because Viacom feels that they've stolen something of theirs in a review, something as mundane as a clip of Family Guy, for example. Despite usages of these kinds of 'breaches' of copyright, that are protected by fair use, however, those that are suspended for them rarely decide to fight against them, and move to another video sharing website with nobody there. TheGamingGoose ridiculed some reviewers methods of this, as he pointed out, most who leave simply come back because nobody will watch their videos offsite, as they can't generate revenue/subscribers/ego.
  • A website.
  • видеохостинг, предоставляющий пользователям услуги хранения, доставки, показа и монетизации видео * Страница 0 - краткая статья * Страница 1 - энциклопедическая статья * Разное - на страницах: 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 * Прошу вносить вашу информацию в «YouTube 1», чтобы сохранить ее
  • Mentioned in 2 Girls. 1 Cup. 6 Senses (Josh dies).
  • YouTube(유튜브)는 Google에서 서비스하는 動映像共有사이트. 世界各國에서 여러가지의 動映像이 投稿되고 있다.
  • Rewrite Page.
  • YouTube — საიტი, სადაც არ შეიძლება პორნოების დადება. მასზე არ დევს პორნო-ვიდეოები, სამაგიეროდ ახალგაზრდობა მონდომებით ისვრის ლანძღვებს ყველა მიმართულებით. ერთი მხრივ, საიტი მოსახერხებელია - მასზე ნებისმიერი ჟანრის ვიდეოს ხილვა შეიძლება (პორნოს გარდა, თუმცა ეგეც იპარება ხოლმე), მეორე მხრივ კი - ზედმეტად მონოპოლისტურია.
  • The forbidden realm of shooters and RickRolling.
  • YouTube (pronuncia giornalistica: "IU TIUB", pronuncia comune: "IUTUBB") è la prima invenzione dell'uomo riguardante internet il cui contenuto non sia la pornografia.
  • YouTube is a 2005 website with YouTube videos
  • [1] []
  • YouTube is a website where users can upload videos. The official website is located at [1]. YouTube is the main website people upload RuneScape music videos to. Many well-known video makers have an account on YouTube and regularly upload videos. This article is a . You can help the RuneScape music video wiki by expanding it.
  • YouTube (po polsku Twoja Tuba) - serwis z darmowymi filmikami uzupełniający się z Wujkiem Google (który go kiedyś kupił), Ciocią Wikipedią oraz Facebookiem. Filmiki z YouTube charakteryzują się wielką prędkością, jednakże nie ładowania filmów lecz wkurzeniem ludzi, którzy chcą obejrzeć dany filmik.
  • Youtube, более известный как ты труба (возможно тубус) — продукт вселенского заговора, призванный развратить умы Россиян и жителей СНГ, распространяя западную, сталинистскую, коммунистическую, фашистскую, нацистскую, хреновую и другие пропаганды.thumb|Убьём Ты Трубу
  • Youtube (przez większość osób nazywana "jutubem")-to strona internetowa, na której dodaje się różnorakie filmiki. Używana jest zarówno przez kosmitów, jak i ludzi.
  • 14th February 2005: The domain "youtube (dot) com" is bought, and is based above a pizzeria in San Bruno, CA! 23rd April 2005: First vid uploaded, titled "Me at the zoo"! 11th April 2006: Deals with Google started, to buy YouTube so that the 3 founders could be let off from all the companies filing complaints TO THE FOUNDERS for copyrighted stuff that USERS uploaded (for some reason). 10th October 2006: Google buys YouTube for $1.65Billion! 18th November 2006: HQ for Youtube changed from pizzeria to a tri-square -looking building, also in San Bruno, CA! 1st May 2007: YouTube Partnership Program introduced, allowing people to monetize vids using Google AdSense! April 2009: HuluTube debate! People were worried that YouTube was going too corporate, and like Hulu! 22nd December 2009: youtu (dot) be links introduced for the purpose of shortening tweets when linking to vids. May 2010: Replaced 5-star rating system with 2-thumbs system. July 2010: YouTube HQ changed again! This time, to a cool-looking building, in the same city. 2012: Massive layout shift, plus, many EPIC YouTubers started this year. January 2014: Everyone predicted that NO MORE new YouTubers would be noticed, that turned out to be bullshit, as there are channels with 100k subs which started in 2014, and channels rising 1k per day who started in 2015.
  • YouTube este un Site Web unde utilizatorii pot încărca și viziona materiale audio-video.
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website where people can upload, view, and share videos. YouTube was founded by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for US$1.65 billion, and now operates as a subsidiary of Google.
  • YouTube - Die neue Art der Sebstkonservierung. Was im alten Ägypten nur den Reichen und Mächtigen zustand, ist jetzt für jedermann möglich: Dein Selbst - deine Seele - für die Ewigkeit konserviert, in der Tube. Aüßerlich einer Zahnpastatube sehr ähnlich, kommt zunächst lediglich eine leere Tube zu Dir nach Haus. Es bleibt Dir selbst überlassen was und wieviel Du von Dir selbst in die Tube packen möchtest. Wer fleißig abfüllt, kann diese Tuben auf dem freien Markt gewinnbringend verkaufen. Jedoch ist Vorsicht geboten! Der Teufel ist besonders scharf auf Deine Seele und versucht mit allen Tricks an die Seelentuben der Ahnungslosen zu gelangen. Er bietet Höchstpreise und etliche weitere Vergünstigungen und Versprechungen. Jedoch hält er in der Regel seine Versprechungen nicht, sobald er im Besitz Deiner Tube ist. Dann zeigt er sein wahres Gesicht und Du erkennst - leider viel zu spät - dass Deine Seele für immer verloren ist. Aber es gibt Rettung! - Denn seitdem Jesus sich für die Sünden der Welt geopfert hat, ist der Satan ein für allemahl besiegt. Du kannst jederzeit zu ihm kommen und ihm Dein Herz ausschütten. Er wird jede Seele aus ihrer Tube befreien, die aufrichtig an Ihn glaubt und bereut.
  • thumb Youtube es un sitio web en el cual los usuarios pueden subir y compartir vídeos. Aloja una variedad de clips de películas, programas de televisión y vídeos musicales, así como contenidos amateur como videoblogs.
  • YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States. The service was created by three former PayPal employees Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in February 2005. The link is located in this.
  • YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. YouTube was created in mid-February 2005 by three former PayPal employees. The San Bruno-based service uses Adobe Flash technology to display a wide variety of video content, including movie clips, TV clips and music videos, as well as amateur content such as videoblogging and short original videos. In October 2006, Google Inc. announced that it had reached a deal to acquire the company for US$1.65 billion in Google stock. The deal closed on November 13, 2006. Unregistered users can watch most videos on the site, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Some videos are available only to users of age 18 or older (e.g. videos containing potentially offensive content). The uploading of pornography or videos containing nudity is prohibited. Related videos, determined by title and tags, appear onscreen to the right of a given video. In YouTube's second year, functions were added to enhance user ability to post video 'responses' and subscribe to content feeds. Few statistics are publicly available regarding the number of videos on YouTube. However, in July 2006, the company revealed that more than 100 million videos were being watched every day, and 2.5 billion videos were watched in June 2006. 50,000 videos were being added per day in May 2006, and this increased to 65,000 by July. Youtube is the primary method through which members of Area of Improvement can place videos of them performing on AOI's website. (See Adding videos to AOI)
  • YouTube; — «ты», «вы» — «труба», жарг. англ. — «телевизор»; произносится как «Ютуб» или «Ютьюб») — видеохостинг, предоставляющий пользователям услуги хранения, доставки, показа и монетизации видео. Пользователи могут загружать, просматривать, оценивать, комментировать и делиться теми или иными видеозаписями. Благодаря простоте и удобству использования YouTube стал популярнейшим видеохостингом и вторым сайтом в мире по количеству посетителей. В январе 2012 ежедневное количество просмотров видео на сайте достигло 4 млрд. На сайте представлены фильмы, музыкальные клипы, трейлеры, новости, образовательные передачи, а также любительские видеозаписи, включая видеоблоги, слайд-шоу, юмористические видеоролики и прочее. По данным «Российской газеты» в апреле 2013 года 2 % аудитории сервиса, или 51 миллион человек, составляли россияне. На сайте есть различные топы видеороликов (например, по количеству просмотров или по рейтингу).
  • Am 9. Oktober 2006 wurde YouTube für 1,65 Milliarden US-Dollar (1,31 Milliarden Euro) von Google gekauft. YouTube steht auf dem 3. Platz des Alexa Rankings der meistbesuchten Webseiten weltweit, in Deutschland belegt YouTube den 5. Platz. Der Offizielle Kanal von YouTube auf YouTube ist YouTube Spotlight, welcher jedoch mit über 22 Millionen Abonnenten, nur der zweit meist abonnierte Kanal weltweit ist.
  • YouTube is a video-hosting service created by Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, and Steve Chen, three former PayPal employees. It was launched on February 14, 2005, and was bought by Google Inc. in October 2006 for $1.65 billion.
  • YouTube is a video hosting service created by former PayPal employees Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in 2005. It was acquired by Google in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion and continues to operate as one of Google's subsidiaries. The site allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, and comment on videos, and it makes use of WebM, H.265/MPEG-4 AVC, and Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated and media videos. Available content includes but is not limited to video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers, video blogs (vlogs), short original videos, and educational videos. Most content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, but media corporations such as CBS, the BBC, Vevo, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via YouTube, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos on the site, but are encouraged to register in order to upload and add comments to videos. Videos deemed potentially offensive are available only to registered users who are at least 18 years old.
  • YouTube is a website where you can upload videos, and is known for YouTube Poops, which often have Mario, Luigi, and The King in it doing randumb things. The site claims to have a wide variety of content, including videos of conspiracy theories, video game videos, AMV's, and fake celebrity sightings, as well as amateur content such as, well, you know, amateurs, doing... stuff. About 90% of the videos contain copyright material, and that sometimes leads to trouble YouTube constantly tries to hide YouTube Poops, because they believe that it is the "weird part" of YouTube, even though most YTPs are better than their "popular videos." YouTube is also the home of many other creatures and recluses of the internet. We do not know who these people are or what they want, but we know they will kill you. Run. Run now.
  • Several people have posted videos on Youtube about Nethack. As of January 2010, there are well over 700. There are musical videos, parodies and other fan material as well as lots of gameplay excerpts. A few people have diligently chronicled their repeated attempts to ascend with the Amulet. The some main series include...
  • YouTube is an online video sharing site. It launched in 2005. "Weird Al" has an account on it. His account is "alyankovic" .
  • YouTube was the biggest hologram display during the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, its headquarters were in the place that self-destructs, so it was shut down when it was destroyed. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • 优吐比是一个因特网网站,让使用者上载、观看及分享各种未必合法的影片。它是一个可供网民上载观看及分享AV的网站,至今已成为同类型网站的翘楚,并造就多位网上名女优男优和激发激情创作。2006年10月9日,邪恶的大财阀Google公司以16.5亿美元恶意并购了优吐比网站。YouTube表面上禁止用戶上載有版權與色情內容的短片。近期號稱可以撥放1080P畫質的AV影片,以吸引更多的癡漢人來觀賞。 该网站于2008年被邪恶的共惨党员隔离在防火长城外,大陆地区的乡民再也看不到youtube了(除非你穿墙)。
  • YouTube, LLC(ユーチューブ)はアメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州サンブルノにある企業で、インターネットで動画共有サービスを行っている。
  • Founded in February 2005, YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. YouTube is a video hosting service bought by Google in 2006. It has since become the largest and busiest video hosting site on the Internet. It hosts over 200,000,000 videos, with an additional 250,000+ being uploaded every day.
  • YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. The service was created by three former PayPal employees — Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim — in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.
  • YouTube is a video sharing website that was founded in 2005. It has become a giant platform since and has literal billions and billions of users. It is where all Barney Bunch videos are posted, following the Speakonia Community getting technically banned from Newgrounds.
  • YouTube was created on February 14, 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, three former PayPal employees. The first video uploaded is, Me at the zoo that shows co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo uploaded April 23, 2005 and still viewable. On November 13, 2006 YouTube was purchased by Google for $1.65 billion. On November 12, 2014 YouTube launched YouTube Red a paid subscription service that removes ads from all YouTube videos, the ability to watch videos offline on mobile devices, access to ad free music streaming through Google Play Music, and access to "YouTube Red Original" series and films. Over the years YouTube has changed from what it was created to be, a website where people were able to upload videos of themselves pretty much whatever they wanted to to more of a business, with things like YouTube Red being created and advertisements having to be watched before being able to view the actual video in most cases. Vevo channels, channels used for music, are also partly owned by Google, who is also the owner of YouTube, further adding to YouTube being more of a business type. Out of the top ten YouTube channels, half are Vevo or music channels. Though any person can create a YouTube channel and upload a video at no cost, in most cases these videos are rarely viewed with YouTube being more dominated by music videos. YouTube currently ranks as the second most popular website behind Google.
  • YouTube es una plataforma de íideos compartidos con sede en San Bruno, California. El servicio fue creado por tres antiguos empleados de PayPal en febrero de 2005. En noviembre de 2006, fue comprado por Google por 1,65 billones de dólares. YouTube opera ahora como una subsidiaria de Google. El servicio se lanzó primero en Wii el 15 de noviembre de 2012, días antes del lanzamiento de Wii U (18 de noviembre de 2012), aunque la aplicación no se lanzaría en dicha consola hasta el día 22 de noviembre del mismo año. La aplicación llegaría junto a una actualización a Nintendo 3DS el 2 de diciembre de 2013. Los usuarios de Wii U y New Nintendo 3DS pueden ver vídeos de Youtube gracias a sus navegadores de Internet. Sin embargo, el Navegador de Internet de Nintendo 3DS, no permite verlos. Categoría:Aplicaciones
  • YouTube ist ein am 15. Februar 2005 von den drei ehemaligen PayPal-Mitarbeitern Chad Hurley, Steve Chen und Jawed Kari gegründetes Videoportal mit Sitz in San Bruno, Kalifornien, auf dem die Benutzer kostenlos Video-Clips ansehen und hochladen können.
  • YouTube (pronunciado "iutub") es un sitio web que permite a los usuarios compartir vídeos digitales a través de Internet e incluso, permite a los músicos novatos y experimentados dar a conocer sus vídeos al mundo. Pertenece a la Web 2.0. Fue fundado en febrero de 2005 por tres antiguos empleados de PayPal: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen y Jawed Karim. YouTube es propiedad de Google, desde su compra, el 10 de octubre de 2006 por 1.650 millones de dólares. YouTube usa un reproductor en línea basado en Adobe Flash para servir su contenido. Es muy popular gracias a la posibilidad de alojar vídeos personales de manera sencilla. YouTube aloja una variedad de clips de películas, programas de televisión, vídeos musicales y vídeos caseros (a pesar de las reglas de YouTube contra subir vídeos con copyright, este material existe en abundancia). Los enlaces a vídeos de YouTube pueden ser también puestos en blogs y sitios web personales usando APIs o incrustando cierto código HTML.
  • YouTube is a mobile adaptation of the titular video service. Looking for some entertainment? Now you can watch videos right from your mobile device. YouTube for mobile means having millions of videos right in your pocket. * Browse millions of videos from your phone. * Access your favorites, your own uploaded videos and your favorite channels. * Share, rate, and comment on videos from your phone. * Upload videos from your phone.
  • Youtube is a site where you upload and watch videos. It can be about comedy, romance, role-playing, video games, or anything you like.
  • The Star Trek phenomenon too has benefited from the website, as it allows collectors to share clippings which otherwise, aside from the above mentioned examples, would have been relegated to oblivion; these items are mostly of a (semi-)promotional nature, usually recorded in the VHS-era (the quality reflected as such on YouTube), and included items such as The Original Series "blooper reels", The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, ILM Special Visual Effects, Star Trek The Next Generation, The Star Trek Logs: An MTV Big Picture Special Edition and To Boldly Go. More recently, YouTube has often become the primary means of dissemination of original, higher quality Star Trek-related material from parties not directly associated with the official franchise, with such releases as Galileo Restoration Project and Julien's Auctions presents: Star Trek. Fan film productions, like James Cawley's Star Trek: New Voyages, have also chosen the website as the primary means of disseminating their releases.
  • O YouTube é um website que permite que seus usuários carreguem e compartilhem vídeos em formato digital. Foi fundado em fevereiro de 2005 por três pioneiros do PayPal, um famoso site da internet ligado a gerenciamento de transferência de fundos. O YouTube utiliza o formato Flash Player para disponibilizar o conteúdo. É o mais popular site do tipo (com mais de 50% do mercado em 2006) devido à possibilidade de hospedar quaisquer vídeos (exceto materiais protegidos por copyright, apesar deste material ser encontrado em abundância no sistema). Hospeda uma grande variedade de filmes, videoclipes e materiais caseiros. O material encontrado no YouTube pode ser disponibilizado em blogs e sites pessoais através de mecanismos (APIs) desenvolvidos pelo site. Possivelmente interessado em expandir o mercado de publicidade de vídeos através de seu AdSense e também em se consolidar como um dos maiores serviços de internet do mundo, foi anunciada em 9 de Outubro de 2006 a compra do YouTube pelo Google, pela quantia de US$1,65 bilhão em ações. O resultado desta aquisição pode unificar o serviço com o Google Video. A revista norte-americana Time (edição de 13 de novembro de 2006) elegeu o YouTube a melhor invenção do ano por, entre outros motivos, “criar uma nova forma para milhões de pessoas se entreterem, se educarem e se chocarem de uma maneira como nunca foi vista.
  • Youtube und Schule sind meist über Horrormeldungen ins Gerede gekommen: Schüler prügeln sich und stellens ins Internet, oder sie nehmen Lehrer in mehr oder weniger unvorteilhaften Situationen auf. Aber soll der Missbrauch den sinnhaften Gebrauch ausschließen? Es gibt schon eine ganze Reihe von Beispielen wie selbstgedrehte Videos in Youtube eingestellt und für die Unterrichtspraxis genutzt werden können. Bei erhalten Sie eine gute Übersicht, auch gibt es dort ein gutes Diskussionsforum! --kuhnuniwiki 12:46, 21. Jun. 2009 (UTC) -- 20:16, 26. Jun. 2009 (UTC) Hier geht's zum Video: --kuhnuniwiki 16:58, 28. Jun. 2009 (UTC) Nähern wir uns nun dem Thema etwas genauer.... Um einen kurzen Film drehen, bearbeiten und fertig zur Präsentation online stellen zu können, bedarf es verschiedener Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen, die erfüllt sein müssen. Dazu zählen die Qualifikationen der Lehrkräfte/Dozenten und der Zielgruppe, welche diese Art der Medienarbeit kennenlernen sollen, aber auch technische Voraussetzungen in der jeweiligen Einrichtung und räumliche, zeitliche, sowie organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen sind von Nöten. Qualifikatorische Voraussetzungen, welche die Lehrkräfte bzw. Dozenten für ein solches Projekt mitbringen sollten, sind Erfahrungen bzw. sichere Kenntnisse im Umgang mit einer Kamera und deren Zubehör. Bei der Vorbereitung und Aufnahme des kurzen Films sollte die Lehrkraft der Zielgruppe, wenn nötig, Gestaltungsideen liefern bzw. kreative Unterstützung leisten, um ein bestmögliches Ergebnis zu erzielen. Des Weiteren sind Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem PC und der Kamera von Nöten, um das Gefilmte zur Bearbeitung auf den Computer übertragen zu können, wo das Video dann fertig gestellt werden muss. Hierbei sollte die Lehrkraft beispielsweise wissen, wie man Filme schneidet, entsprechende Programme hierzu kennen, Zusatzmaterial, wie Screen-Shots, einfügt und den Ton verändern kann. Ist das Video fertig zur Präsentation, sollte die Lehrkraft wissen, wie man es bei Youtube oder einer ähnlichen Seite online stellt. Im Umgang mit der Zielgruppe sollte die Lehrkraft bzw. der/die Dozent/in in der Lage sein, das eigene Wissen zu vermitteln, um die Zielgruppe selbstständig mit den verschiedenen Arbeitsmaterialien und Medien arbeiten lassen zu können. Dafür bedarf es Sozialkompetenz, Kommunikations- und Kooperationsbereitschaft, aber auch Geduld. Entscheidend ist auch, dass die Lehrkraft für ein solches Projekt zu einem erhöhten Arbeitsaufwand bereit sein muss. Welche Voraussetzungen sollten Schüler mitbringen? Um einen Film für Youtube zu drehen sind Grundkenntnisse im Umgang mit dem PC notwendig. Für die Erstellung des Drehbuchs sind Phantasie und etwas Disziplin während des Diskussionsprozesses gefragt. In vielen Schulen gibt es ja ein Tonstudio oder einen Medienraum. Einer der Lehrer kann die Gruppe unterstützen und das was sie sich ausgedacht haben eventuell filmen. Ist das nicht möglich, sollte einer der Schüler schon mal eine Videokamera in der Hand gehabt haben und die Grundfunktionen kennen. Für die Nachbearbeitung ist Geduld nötig und die Bereitschaft Dinge auszuprobieren oder Programme zu verwenden, die vorher nicht bekannt waren. In erster Linie braucht man, um einen Clip für Youtube herzustellen, eine Handkamera. Ein Handy oder eine Digitalkamera reichen hier meist nicht aus, weil die Ton- und Bildqualität zu schlecht ausfallen würden, als dass man den Clip dann auch im Unterricht verwenden könnte. Hat man seinen Lehrfilm dann gedreht und in Youtube gestellt, kann es beim Vorführen in der Schule zu einigen Problemen kommen. Erstens benötigt man einen Computerraum, zweitens einen Beamer, um den Film zeigen zu können, drittens eine Internetverbindung, um auf Youtube zugreifen zu können und viertens müsste der Raum über mehrere Lautsprecher verfügen, damit der Ton mitverfolgt werden kann. Da die meisten Schulen aber über solche Medienräume (mit ausreichend Sitzplätzen für die Schüler) verfügen, dürfte das Vorführen eines Lehrfilms via Youtube in Schulräumen im Grunde kein Problem darstellen und machbar sein. Zunächst einmal müssen ein oder mehrere Räume vorhanden sein, in welchen man während des gesamten Projektes "Youtube-Clip" verschiedene Dinge stehen lassen kann. Des Weiteren wäre es sehr von Vorteil, wenn der oder die vorhandenen Räume, zumindest teilweise, "medial" ausgestattet wären. Das heißt, die Räume sollten mit mehreren Computern mit Internetanschluss (und einigen vorab heruntergeladenen Programmen) ausgestattet sein. Um einige Sequenzen bzw. Szenen in dem Raum selbst drehen zu können, wäre eine Möglichkeit das Licht abzublenden, oder zumindest ein Rollladen sehr hilfreich. Außerdem sollte, neben einigen Tischen und Stühlen, genug Platz sein um sich frei in dem Raum bewegen zu können. Eine magnetische Tafel oder eine Pinnwand zum befestigen eventueller Hintergrundbilder wäre ebenso von Vorteil. Neben den Rahmenbedingungen die innerhalb eines Raumes gegeben sein sollten, wäre es sehr schön, wenn die SchülerInnen die Möglichkeit hätten in einer passenden Umgebung ihren Film zu drehen um ihn möglichst authentisch wirken zu lassen. Es sollte daher auch die Möglichkeit zum Erreichen einiger "außerschulischer Drehorte" vorhanden sein. Wegen dem zeitlichen Aufwand, ist es weder in einer Schulstunde noch an einem Schultag möglich mit einer Klasse, ein vorzeigbares Youtube-Projekt zu erstellen. Besser geeignet dafür wäre es, ein ganzes Projekt zu gestalten, das sich über eine ganze Woche erstreckt. Während eines Youtube-Projektes müssen folgende Punkte zeitlich geplant und organisatorisch vorbereitet werden: • Erklärung des Projektes (Was ist Youtube?) • Einstufung der technischen Vorkenntnisse der Schüler (Umgang mit PC) • Gruppeneinteilung • Aufgabenstellung • Einführung in die Technik (Wie benutzt man eine Kamera?) • Ideen sammeln (Umsetzung möglich?) • Erstellung eines Skripts • Materialien sammeln • Aufbau und Vorbereitung der Materialien (Setaufbau) • Beginn der Dreharbeiten • PC-Arbeit • Vorstellung des Projektes Aufgrund dieser aufwendigen Arbeit ist es einem Lehrkörper zeitlich nur schwer möglich, dieses Projekt selbstständig vorzubereiten, um es in einer Unterrichtseinheit durchzuführen. Besser wäre daher mit Youtube z.B. in einem fächerübergreifenden Projekt mit Kollegen zusammenzuarbeiten. Ein interessanter Blog zum Einsatz von Videos und Youtube im Unterricht ist unter folgender Adresse zu finden: --kuhnuniwiki 05:37, 27. Jun. 2009 (UTC)
  • Ah YouTube. The world's most popular video site. Nothing needs to be said that isn't known. Usually you can find cat videos, YouTube Poops, generic pop videos with hundreds of millions of views, overzealous copyrights, comment sections that make you question humanity, name it.
  • Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | This page lists information regarding the Gravel campaign on YouTube
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, view and share videos. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos. Youtube is currently the biggest video site ever. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users at least 18 years old. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion, and now operates as a subsidiary of Google.
  • YouTube is a video-sharing website that has been online since February 2005. Many YouTube channels and users post videos related to the Civilization games (including Let's Plays and live streams), among which donald23, quill18, and SBFMadDjinn are some of the best-known.
  • In preparing the big game media franchise that Monster High was to be, Mattel set up a Monster High YouTube account on September 25, 2007. It was put to use on May 5, 2010, the day the franchise launched. On May 5, 2010, the first four webisodes of the cartoon series were uploaded, introducing the main function of the YouTube account: an accessible location for people to watch and rewatch Monster High webisodes. Generally, new webisodes are uploaded on Thursdays, while it takes until Friday for a new webisode to appear on the main website. The YouTube account also holds several uploads of Volume 1 teasers, the only volume to get those. TV specials are not uploaded on the YouTube channel. The one exception is "New Ghoul @ School", which was uploaded on April 4, 2011, almost a year after the DVD hit stores with the Dawn of the Dance dolls. Also not uploaded are the three 2011 promotional webisodes made for the exclusive multipacks sold by Walmart, Toys"R"Us, and Target. Occasionally, uploads related to other forms of marketing than the webisodes are made. On August 4, 2010, the Higher Deaducation advertisement was uploaded. Four days later followed the 'Behind the Scenes'-documentary of the "Fright Song" music video, which it iself was released on August 9, 2010. Three years later, the "We Are Monster High" music video was uploaded on June 6, 2013. A special mention goes to the Ghoul Spirit advertisements. The first trailer for the game was uploaded on July 20, 2011. Several months later, between October 21 and November 21, came the rest. These latter trailers each highlighted a different chapter of the game, and at the end showed a code that could be used in the game to unlock locker decoration sets, different music during the ending, and extra diary entries. On May 17, 2011, Mattel uploaded a short about the Kind Campaign, with whom Monster High had partnered up. A similar thing happened on May 13, 2012, which saw a short about WeStopHate uploaded to celebrate the partnership. The Monster High YouTube account also hosts a few uploads made by fans.
  • Youtube is a social website, (), where people can upload video content and respond to others videos, via the medium of likes and comments. See the articles that use the with the user param they are put into , and people who have been notified are put in
  • (Inserte definición de YouTube aquí): Reglas de la lista: * ss
  • The first video posted on YouTube that wasn't a clip from Family Guy or of someone's pathetic dancing was Birth of a Nation, which was posted on November 30, 2005. This clip featured innovations such as deep focus, the jump-cut, and facial close-ups, all of which had previously been lacking from YouTube's original creations. On the other hand, this clip was criticized for being horribly racist, although many critics note that this was the prevailing attitude of the times. This was hugely influential on subsequent videos for its technical innovations, if not for its racism (although it did foreshadow the Censored Eleven and the Michael Richards race rant.) Meanwhile, literally tens of people were joining the online extravaganza. These users quickly got to work mimicing others and proving that they had absolutely no life.
  • Confinc Studios uploads all thier videos to youtube, to watch them click the link
  • Welkom op de YouTube pagina. Er kunnen hier video's geplaats worden van Youtube. Lees voordat je een video plaats wel eerst de regels!
  • YouTube is a video sharing website created in February 14, 2005, by former paypall employees Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, stationed in San Bruno, California, United States. In November 2006 YouTube was bought out by Google for $1.65 Billion. YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, and comment on videos.
  • Youtube is the world's most popular streaming video site, and is understandably also very popular on Board 8. Check out the profile pages below to watch "interesting" videos from your favorite B8ers, or just to make a new friend on youtube.
  • YouTube wiki è la wiki non ufficiale in italiano dell'omonima piattaforma di video sharing. La wiki contiene informazioni riguardanti youtubers italiani e stranieri, format e webserie.
  • YouTube wiki è la wiki non ufficiale in italiano dell'omonima piattaforma di video sharing. La wiki contiene informazioni riguardanti youtubers italiani e stranieri, format e webserie.
  • Many of our players have deemed themselves worthy of the youtuber rank on the forums;they actively upload videos and are now featured. The following are youtubers, you can click on their names to visit their channels. * Take Over/Aytz * Cppo * Duggie * Alacrity * Hypnotic * Bruce Lee
  • Our medium. Elliott used to publish his video blogs on this site. He hasn't done this in over a year.
  • Youtube (počuj: jútub, rozumej: tvojarúra a/alebo tytrúba) je to drbnutá internetová stránka na vyhľadávanie ešte drbnutejších videí. V roku 2005 ju založil Chad Hurley. Prvé video na Jútúb nahral jeho spoluzakladateľ Jawed Karim. Je tam dodnes. Má názov „Me at the zoo“, trvá 19 sekúnd a má takmer 17 miliónov preklikov. V novembri 2006 túto stránku kúpil gúgeľ. Je to tam pekný bordel, lebo sa tam môže registrovať hocijaký ksicht a zdieľať kradnuté videá s ostatnými užívateľmi internetu. Youtube sa používa ako argument k popularite nahrávok v masmédiách, ktoré takto cez prekliky k jednotlivým videoklipom manipulujú svojich divákov k vyššej sledovanosti. Médiá tiež ocenili možnosť pchať tie svoje nepodarky cez linky do stránok ako je asociálny Fejsbúk, alebo aj táto seriózna encyklopédia.
  • Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users at least 18 years old. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion, and now operates as a subsidiary of Google.
  • "Founded in 2005, YouTube is an online video hosting service that enables users to share their personal and original video clips across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs and electronic mail. The service hosts hundreds of millions of video clips and its vast range of content includes forums for political candidates, reportings from remote war zones like Darfur, stand-up routines, drunken ramblings, backyard science projects to delivery room footage. YouTube has a global audience of tens of millions of people and is the number one video site on the Internet. Users upload new clips to YouTube's video hosting website every day."
  • YouTube (Aussprache [ oder ]) ist ein Internet-Videoportal der Google Inc. mit Sitz in San Bruno, Kalifornien, auf dem die Benutzer kostenlos Video-Clips ansehen, bewerten und hochladen können. Auf der Internetpräsenz befinden sich Film- und Fernseh­ausschnitte, Musikvideos sowie selbstgedrehte Filme. Sogenannte „Video-Feeds“ bzw. „Vlogs“ können in Blogs gepostet oder auch einfach auf Webseiten über eine Programmierschnittstelle (API) eingebunden werden.
  • Were you looking for: * Alicia Keys * Phyllis Hyman * DarkMatter2525 * Tamia
  • YouTube is one of the most popular websites on the World-Wide Web. YouTube is a channel where subscribers post videos, you probably already know that. YouTube videos range from downright amateur through to awesome professional and all interests that can be broadcast legally appear to be covered. There are many good atheist videos on YouTube.
  • On October 30th, 2014, an official Smurfs YouTube channel was created specifically for broadcasting all the episodes of the Smurfs cartoon show, sing-along songs, movie trailers and other Smurfs-related media in over 40 languages through its partnership with I.M.P.S. Licensing, ODMedia, and Expoza. They also have The Smurfs And The Magic Flute, the 2011 Smurfs movie, and The Smurfs 2 available for rental streaming.
  • Hip hop videos, playlists and groups feature extensively on YouTube, and it has served as a platform both for already established and up-and-coming artists and groups to reach a wider, Internet-based audience as well as for unknown, novice users to publish and collaborate on original or remixed/mashed-up hiphop material. Among DJs and fans of the "chopped and screwed" subculture, YouTube is often re-billed as "ScrewTube". Several underground rappers use YouTube to post videos and songs. Among these rappers are underground artists that have made an image for themselves in the hip hop music and culture. These artists include: * Reh Dogg (rehdogg) * iRatz (iRatz) * DreDay (Dreday1340) * Gucci Ruci (Dreday1340) * 50 Tyson (hd50tyson) * Optimo 55 Souf (mr55souf1) * DJ Dirty Boy (DJDirtyBoyDotCom) * D-Pryde (DprydeMusic) * Yung J (MurdaMittenMusik) * Prince EA (thamagicsho2003) * Dumbfoundead (dumbfoundead) * Dyme-A-Duzin (Dymez513) * Traphik (TimothyDe) * Ahmir (ahmirtv) * PREF1X (Pref1xMusic)
  • Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, but media corporations including CBS, the BBC, Vevo, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via YouTube, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, and registered users can upload videos to their channels. Videos considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users affirming themselves to be at least 18 years old. YouTube, LLC was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion in November 2006 and now operates as a Google subsidiary. YouTube is the home of MinionsYesCarrieUnderwoodNo.
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