  • Amistad Medved
  • Amistad Medved was a successful software developer and entrepreneur. At the age of twenty-three, Medved made a fortune in software design and began writing his own Internet browser. He hired Jorge Marquez, a brilliant computer scientist, who wrote several revolutionary algorithms to improve on Medved's work and helped make both men immensely wealthy.
  • Alive
  • 1
  • Software developer
  • Amistad Medved was a successful software developer and entrepreneur. At the age of twenty-three, Medved made a fortune in software design and began writing his own Internet browser. He hired Jorge Marquez, a brilliant computer scientist, who wrote several revolutionary algorithms to improve on Medved's work and helped make both men immensely wealthy. The two partners reached an impasse when Medved, who had invested in several Internet service providers that provided tiered connection speeds, refuse to allow Marquez to publish an algorithm that allowed users to latch onto the fastest possible connection regardless of their pay rate. Ultimately, Marquez left the company and the computing space, and took a different name. (Chaos Theory)